

Stonehenge is a building which was built in the Bronze age, and Neolithic. Located adjacent to Amesbury in Wiltshire, England, about 13 kilometers (eight stone) northwest of Salisbury. Stonehenge includes land surrounding the pond building a large stone standing upright in a circle, known as megalithic. There is dispute about the actual age of the stone circle, but most archaeologists estimate that most of the buildings built Stonehenge between 2500 BC to 2000 BC. Roundabout pond soil and Development phases of the trench formed earlier Stonehenge monument from the time around 3100 BC.

In the early 20th century, most of the stones were no longer standing. This is possibly due to the many tourists who climb around Stonehenge in the 19th century because of their great desire of knowledge. Since then, we have performed three-phase renovation to re-establish the rock side or upside down, and to restore the stones into place with care. Indirectly, this means no more genuine form of Stonehenge as originally set forth in the promotion of tourism. Conversely, as another historical relic, the stages of renovation has been done.

Stonehenge is the name given to the memorial, known as a henge consists of circular cages or ponds with a ditch on the inside. As often happens in archaeological terms this is a term inherited from the ancient ruler and Stonehenge should not be classified as a henge in fact, due to be in the pond next to the ditch. Although age with age henges Neolithikum resembling Stonehenge, Stonehenge may have linkages with other stone circle located in the British Isle as Ring of Brodgar but trilitonnya size as an example makes it unique.

This place is included in the UNESCO World Heritage list in 1986.

In the next phase of activity at the end of the third millennium BC found 74 large Sarsen stones were brought from query 20 stone at the site north of Marlborough Downs. The rocks are formed by the connection dikemaskan and pegs and a segment before the 30 established establish spheres sized stone pillars 30 feet in diameter by 29 stone roof (lintel) above. Each stone boulders weighing 25 tons and clearly established with the admirable goal if it is ready.

Stone orthostat slightly wide at the top to give a picture he looks straight from the bottom up while the stone grassland curved slightly rounded picture of the monument to connect early.

Inside the sphere is located five trilithon sarsen stones are processed and prepared in a horseshoe shape. This large stone, five stone ten uprise and grassland, with 50 tan heavy that every one connected with the intricate connections. Carving knives daggers and ax heads found in sarsen. In this period, the 500-meter-long road was built, heading northeast from the entrance and contains two pairs of harmony that berparit pond in the middle. Once the end of two large portal stones paired at the entrance which is now only one, Stone slaughter (Slaughter Stone) 4.9 meters (16 feet) long. Phase of this aspiring entrusted the work of the early Bronze Age Wessex culture, around 2000 BC.
Theory About Stonehenge
The first serious effort to understand the monument was done around 1740 by William Stukeley. As is the trend, Stukeley ready to declare that this location was built by the Druids. From the results of this work he can show that the henge and stone arranged in a certain form that has the interests of astronomy. Some opinions indicting that Stonehenge represents a place of ancient observatory, although how far the use of Stonehenge for such purposes is disputed. Some opinions also put forward the theory that it represents a big palus, computer or even an alien landing site.

Many estimates of the achievement of the necessary machinery to build Stonehenge. Assume that these blue stones were brought from Wales by human power and not by glaciers, as indicted by Aubrey Burl, the rules to move them by using ropes and wood have been reserved. In one experiment archaeological practice in 2001, an attempt to divert a large rock along the way land and sea are possible from Wales to Stonehenge. Volunteers pulled on the sliding (Sledge) of wood on the mainland but if transferred to a replica prehistoric boots, stone sinks in raging sea in the Bristol Channel.

Sarsen carving is a unique weapon in the megalithic art in the British Isles (British Isles) where more abstract designs more popular, as well as the rules of the horse shoe-shaped rock is remarkable for a culture selalunya stone set in a round shape. However, the motive is so unusual for the British population at that time and has accrued that the two phases of Stonehenge had been built under the influence of continental influences soil. This can be explained at one stage, about them and the form of monuments, but on the whole, Stonehenge still can not explain any extraordinary cultural context of European prehistory.

Estimates of the manpower needed to build Stonehenge various phases involved putting the total number of countless hours of human work. Stonehenge was probably require around 11,000 man hours, Stonehenge II about 360 000 and various parts of Stonehenge III may be involved so that 1.75 million man hours. To form these stones is estimated to require 20 million man hours using primitive tools available in those days. Surely determination to produce such monuments are considered so-so very strong and advanced social organization needed to build and preserve it.

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