
Three Basic Skills In Business.

The key is to Master the Three Basic Skills in Business, whatever your field of business into, whatever your background.
Three of these basic skills, automatically, you then any business area, will be able to be lived:

1. Communicating Skills.

2. Leading skills.

3. Team Building Skills.

About a third of these skills can be learned. Good communication, can be learned from books communication, from the environment.

About leadership, it is very basic. If you can lead yourself, it will be able to lead others. A leader is one who has a vision. So find yourself a vision once, and distribute it to others. There are two opinions about leadership:
There are leaders who are born to be a leader, and there are leaders through learning. So the leadership can be learned. One of the fundamental of leadership, is the effect. The influence starts from Vision and belief, and supported by communication. Want to learn to lead? Start with yourself first lead.

Problem building a leadership team to follow.

Problem three basic skills in this business, can be learned, as long as want.
If if you have not felt able to, There is another solution, you can start with small things. You can start with a business via online, while studying these three things.

"when the business becomes a choice in your life", Live in the environment that matches the field will be your field in your business efforts.

Secret Mindset The Businessman

Secret Mindset The businessman is a largely determine the success of businesspeople in the world. Business Success 95% depending on the material of this one. "Secret Mindset The businessman.
Mindset or Mind is what determines one's success or failure.
An Employee selected financial comfort. He was accustomed to receiving money / salary of the office each month. A Self Employed choose financial security. He is accustomed to working alone, all conducted himself, he bossnya, her secretary, her finances. As a result, he did not want to delegate to others. Financial security is not necessarily financial freedom. Different from a businessman, he chose to financial freedom. To achieve financial freedom, he was willing to sacrifice comfort and security first financial Therefore to achieve financial freedom, he will surely get the convenience and financial security. A businessman knew that he was building a source of money, or are maintaining proverbial mango orchard.
Well, most people basically want to have a business. What's my advice as a businessman when fryan want to start building a business?
Money is desirable as a goal to build a business. Only if you want to start building a business, you should avoid the motivation to get more money.
Because if we start a business with a goal at the beginning to get more money, usually it will make We quickly tired.

To start a business with motivation motivation beyond money, such as:
Building Learning assets,
Adding social and insight,
Provide employment for others, etc.. or have outside motivation for themselves, for example, have the motivation to help parents, happy parents. Like the production process in factories, for input materials and production processes is correct, then the product will be right out, and good.
Similarly, with the business. Provided mindsetnya true and correct way, then the results would have any money.
Case Example: When someone opened the Cafe, just a bit early Cafe visitors, quiet. Well, kalo motivation or purpose only focus on money, then he will have a headache. Conversely, if he has another motivation as well as providing food and drink the best, the best services, the focus on providing the best for customers and prospective customers. Conversely, if you just want the money, he would continue to complain that little found money.

Characters that should have to be a Entrepreuneur.

To become entrepreneurs, not enough to have knowledge of the business. Entrepreneur's character or soul is also very necessary. Because it is important to ask the following questions yourself to find out how much your entrepreneurial character.

1. How big is your commitment?

A successful entrepreneur has a great commitment to the business. Easy to understand it, but difficult in practice. If you are still dreaming of owning your own business and has not started, maybe you should reinforce your commitment and are ready with all the risks. However, none of the business in this world is safe from risk. Even so, the risk can also has managed.

2. How optimistic are you?

Not everyone is optimistic entrepreneurs, but almost all entrepreneurs are optimistic people. Each entrepreneur will usually have the ability to see the positive opportunities of a challenging situation. Without confidence optimistic, it will be difficult to motivate employees,
survive in difficult times and grow the business.

3. Began to make a decision?

The decision means commitment. The wrong decision can lead to problems and eliminate the respect of a group. Own a business especially a large capital is not meant to be ready to make decisions with limited market research and incomplete information. Well, what would you like to make such decisions?

4. Do you have the money to make business aspirations come true?

Do not quit before the job every day, until you have enough capital for business continuity. Meet the financial needs for business is not easy and needs
Personal sacrifice is that of the savings, bank loans, etc.. You also have to be ready if it turns out there is not going according to plan.

5. Would you like to sell?

In business, sales is a natural part of any job even if they never worked in sales though. As an entrepreneur, your job is to 'sell'. Sell your products, the company's vision and your own self. And you have to do this every day, in every time. If you enjoy it, you are a true entrepreneur.

If you answered "YES" to most of the questions above, then you have an entrepreneurial character and ready to have your own business.
But if most of the answer is "NO", should consider to attract business partners to help make your business plan into reality.

Key Success In Home Business

The key to success in running the business is to have Entrepreuneur, but behind all the characters should have, make sure you also have to have a factor 'V' that many are owned by successful entrepreneurs. Factor 'V' is a VISION.

Walt Disney, Disneyland initiator is one example of entrepreneurs who have a vision. In celebration of the opening of Disneyland, Disney's someone who can not spare time to see Disneyland already been called up because of the Almighty. But his wife said, Believe me, he had seen.

At the present time, entrepreneurs like Amazon.com founder Jeff Bezos, founder Jerry Yang Yahoo!, EBay founder Meg Whitman, founder Steve Case America Online became millionaires
in less than 5 years. The main factor determining their success is * * of their creative vision.

An equation that makes them successful entrepreneurs in a shorter time than in the past entrepreneurs who took a dozen years and even decades to success is the success of identifying and exploiting new opportunities arising from new economic era, the era of the internet!

Like the Meaning of Love for Apple Inc. CEO.

Because the more you love the business or job that you live, the more you discover the real meaning of life.

As also love Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Inc. and Pixar Animation Studios to work and business. Although fired from the company which he founded his own, giving no word from Steve Jobs.

Steve Jobs is one of many successful entrepreneurs who name dropped out of university, other than Bill Gates of Microsoft Inc.. and Michael Dell of Dell Computer Corp.. He decided to get out of Reed College for pity adoptive parents who have to pay for an expensive education.

At the age of 20 years, he and Steven Wozniak build the embryo of a Macintosh computer at his parents' garage. In 1976, they succeeded in popularizing the concept of personal
computer in the world. And in 10 years, these two companions managed to build a company Apple beraset 2 billion dollars and has more than 4,000 employees.

But when he was 30, Jobs had to accept the bitter truth. He was fired by the Board of Director of the company he founded, because the failure of his vision and
Apple in the fall at that time.

At that Jobs was devastated, embarrassed, dreams lost and not able to do anything for months. Until then he had met with David Packard and Bob Noyce, he was trying to forgive the mistakes that had done.

But there is one that has not changed, although he never denied, Jobs still loved, even loved what he did. So he tried to get up, starting everything from scratch again.

Five years later, the company Jobs founded Pixar Animation Studios to create animated films in the world's first computer-Toy Story, and won an Oscar award as best animated film. And soon he met and fell in love with a woman who has become his wife.

Some time later, Apple bought Pixar, and Jobs had returned his post at the company he had founded. While the technology he built in the heart of the rise of Pixar, the Apple of today.

Apple became a leader of innovation in desktop and notebook industry, operating system, digital music with the iPod device and iTunes online music store.
Meanwhile, the producer of Pixar's animated movies box office and Oscar winners, such as Toy Story, A Bug's Life, Monsters Inc.., Finding Nemo and The Incredibles. Now that Steve Jobs could say that had been fired from Apple was the best thing that ever happened to him.
Like drinking a bitter pill. But what makes Jobs got up and kept going was faith and love of what he was doing. Because for Jobs, it is the only way to get the best jobs.

And if until now you do not also know what work you love. Keep looking, until your heart feel that you have found it.

And if you've found a business that you are looking for, the best way to market is via the internet. Because the market can reach the whole world and through otomatisasinya system, making your job becomes easier. And most important, whatever your business is going to ditekuni, it can be marketed through the internet.

Ways of Being Netpreneur.

Here is how to successfully become netpreneur, among others:

1. Speed.

With all the acceleration of technological development, globalization, and the Internet, the rate of change was faster than I ever imagined. Therefore, we must be able to anticipate
and able to react quickly, but also calculating.

2. Adapting capabilities.

The rate of change in the world of internet business requires a more flexible and adaptive than ever before. We need to increase knowledge and able menginterpretasinya, and respond quickly to any changes occur both in technology and competition, also at the turn of the market and buyer patterns.

3. Experiment.

A netpreneur must be willing to try new ideas in the dibidiknya market. We do not have much time or just rely on 'market research' which was not up to date
to evaluate your actions. Experiments and ready to move quickly to adapt to what is needed and what the market to you.

4. The Constant innovation.

Launching a product to market is just a beginning. Encouragement competition and relentless market demand for improvements to the business focus on innovation is very important.

5. Collaboration.

It is the nature of a collaborative netpreneur. We can not work alone in the movement at this speed. The Internet allows We involve a lot of business owners in every step. Starting from the birth of a product through research, product development, packaging, delivery, support and the process of ongoing improvement.

6. Be Distribution Drive.

Real challenges of today's business world is the spread of the distribution of brand and identity products and services we. One thing that most felt, the Internet minimize the resistance distribution. For that, we need to build brands and distribution channels for the sake of continuity of business success.

7. Focus On Niche Market.

Internet reach and distribution business opportunities in new markets open. Therefore, netpreneur must focus on market sectors are well defined, namely the niche market or niche markets, in order to achieve a dominant position or find a market or under-served yet. Despite the fact, the most exciting opportunities lie in creating new markets.

8. Be multidisciplinary.

Companies in the new economic era as now create solutions by integrating various disciplines such as technology, content, graphics, services and relationships. Therefore, a successful netpreneur usually understand the various disciplines.

"That is the ability to possess a netpreneur in the business environment changing rapidly. And a way to have the ability as a netpreneur
success is to learn internet marketing ".

Seven Benefits Promote Business Through the Internet.

Because the Internet has the following advantages are:

1. Ready Sedia 24 Hours.
Unlike other offline business practices of service depends on working days and hours of work, your web site. Always be ready 24 hours and can be accessed by customers from anywhere, anytime.

2. Reach Targeted Market Share.
Through online campaigns, you can effectively market their business on a targeted market share. In both areas, interests, needs of customers, languages, and others.

3. Lift your business image.
By having a web site, image (image) of your business can be lifted. Although your business is not great, but through an online presence, your business image will be raised compared to other competitors and can compete with big companies.

4. Because internet marketing is very targeted and relatively lower costs compared to offline marketing, so the cost of marketing is also more effective and efficient.

5. 'Position' In Your Business Future.
Every day, more and more business online present. Similarly, your competitors. If not now, someday they will bring business through the Internet. Therefore, the presence of your business site on the internet, at least has helped to position your business in the future.

6. Simplify your In building rapport with customers.
Because the internet is interactive media, you can easily communicate and maintain good relations with customers. Whether it's through newsletters, suggestion boxes, surveys / polls, forums, etc.. The advantages of this kind of device, you can serve many customers at one time. More efficient time, effort and cost.

7. Automation System Responsiveness Through the automation system, a web site can provide a quick response if the order or request to come to your business information is more complete than the customer.

Four Terms to Know Before Making the hobby into a business.

It - whatever it needs to know before starting his business from a hobby.

EXCESS of opening a business from a hobby, we know very well that we will enjoy it. We also will feel more 'fun' in work. Far from feeling bored!.

Before deciding to make your hobby into a business, try to ask these questions to yourself first.

1. Are you willing to do something over and over and over again?

Required to do something repeatedly with both of course very different to doing leisure activities (hobbies) without pressure and without the target business.
Of course, if you want to turn a hobby into a business, you should be ready with these consequences.

2. Is your hobby to be valuable enough business?

Do not just think about your pleasure alone. Do "market research" before making your hobby into a business.
If it is less favorable prospects, should not be forced.

3. Does your hobby can continue to motivate you in running the business until the next 15-20 years?

Real challenge in business through the coming of the hobby is how to make a hobby remains challenging, interesting and meaningful as a business in the next 15-20 years. For that, make a list of things that are most interesting and challenging. Then set
one or two most promising ideas that can motivate you in running a business.

4. Are you still going to enjoy it though.

If later you are required to produce 10 thousand work or your hobbies hundreds of times each year, whether you will still enjoy your hobby?

In essence, there was nothing wrong with making hobby into a business. It's just brown the concept, doing market research and design business plans before running it.

Another important thing is to have knowledge of how to market your business both offline and online. Because without the proper marketing, no one is



In competing can use emotional appeal or otherwise rational appeal. If other companies use the emotional appeal, then we can use the rational appeal. "When companies think to resist the emotional appeal of the industry, the company often will find a market space ba-ru" write Kim and Mauborgne. Eliminating these advantages emotional appeal will make a simple business model, which can provide more price cheap and efficient in order to increase value for consumers

Quick Beauty (QB) House is the company's Japanese barber who cut the emotional appeal of a rational appeal. In Japan the time used for cutting hair 1 hour. This is because the haircut is a ritual process. Shoulders rubbed and massaged, given hot towels, tea and coffee are provided and workers using rituals pangkasnya to cut his hair, including skin and hair care specials, such as drying my hair and shave my beard. Thus, time spent on hair trimming only takes a little of the whole series of hair cutting ritual. Time used for the entire circuit 1 hour, thus making long lines for other potential customers. Fees range from barbershop 3000 yen to 5000 yen ($ 27 to $ 45).

QB House cut the emotional appeal of rational attraction to realize that time is 1 hour professionals is a very valuable and does not want time spent only 1 hour for a haircut. Shoulders rubbed and massaged, hot towels, tea and coffee as well as rituals to cut the hair removed, including hair washing and drying my hair. Thus the space required for a haircut becomes smaller than any pruning. QB House is only focused on the barber just by creating an air wash system (water wash). Air wash system uses a high tube that can be derived to suck that has cropped hair. The system is much faster and without making the hair wet. The system can change the hair cut time dramatically from 1 hour to 10 minutes. The targeted market professionals, it is well guarded hygiene by introducing sanitation facilities every chair and given a set of new towels and combs.

Also installed outside the shop lights to show when there is space for haircut, so that potential customers are given time to remove the certainty of uncertainty of time and a long queue for this. By cutting emotional appeal to the rational appeal of the QB House can be charged only just 1000 yen, or third or one-fifth of the price of traditional barbershop. QB House in a way that makes 1 hour no one person who cut, but 6 people, so that the total income QB House is higher than traditional clippers.

QB House, founded in 1996 in Tokyo and grew rapidly to 200 places in 2003. The number of visitors jumped from 56,000 in 1996 to 3.5 million per year in 2002. QB House expands to Singapore, Malaysia and targeted to open 1000 outlets in Asia before 2013. This may be because QB House uses a strategy to cut the power from the emotional to the rational appeal.

Seven That Promote A Home Business Through Internet.

Because the Internet has the following advantages are:

1. Ready Sedia 24 Hours.
Unlike other offline business practices of its service depends on working days and hours of work, your website always be ready 24 hours and can be accessed by customers from anywhere, anytime.

2. Reach Targeted Market Share.
Through online campaigns, you can effectively market their business on a targeted market share. In both areas, interests, needs of customers, languages, etc..

3. Lift your business image.
By having a web site, image (image) of your business can be lifted. Although your business is not great, but through an online presence, your business image will be raised compared to other competitors and can compete with big companies.

4. The marketing costs more effectively and efficiently.
Because internet marketing is very targeted and relatively lower costs compared to offline marketing, so the cost of marketing is also more effective and efficient.

5. Your business position in the future.
Every day, more and more business online present. Similarly, your competitors. If not now, someday they will bring business through the Internet. Therefore, the presence of your business site on the internet, at least has helped to position your business in the future.

6. Simplify your In building rapport with customers.

Because the internet is interactive media, you can easily communicate and maintain good relations with customers. Whether it's through newsletters, suggestion boxes, surveys / polls, forums, etc..

The advantages of this kind of device, you can serve many customers at one time. More efficient time, effort and cost.

7. The Responsive Automated Systems.
Through the automation system, your website can respond quickly if the order or request to come to your business information more complete than the customer.

Business Ten Most Promising Future.

"INC". Leading business media in the United States, recently
release of important information for business people who want to know
business the most promising prospects to more than 10
years. Include:

~ Internet business, data processing and other information services
~ Software
~ Computer systems and services associated with it
~ Services employment
~ Home Health Care
~ Services personal financial advisor
~ Consulting: management, science, and technical
~ Child care services
~ Arts, entertainment and recreation
~ Fim / Video

From these data, the number of business seen ONE of the most
promises to more than 10 years is the Internet

The information revolution is underway. As well as
which revolutionized the automobile carriage, digital cameras began
replace manual cameras and now Internet also has changed
habits of the community in seeking information and do business.

And now we are or at least young people today who become
future market-more often hear words like this,
'Look on the Internet wrote' or 'Look on the internet aja'.

Regardless, ranging from gadgets to compare prices, booking tickets
plane, see the latest news, see home sales advertisements or
car, buy all sorts of things, and much more. "Whatever
business ", Internet jualannya place.

Internet is the place to be marketing products and services
The most promising moment. Because of wide reach,
the whole world. In addition, because the market is targeted
and otomatisasinya system, making a more effective marketing
and efficient in terms of cost, time and energy.

Disaster Brings our Business Success

Disasters can also be a lesson that can bring business success. One can take a lesson from the disaster was Soichiro Honda. In 1922, he had to get out of school to wrestle with the pain. He only attended for eight years. Children's new 15-year-old from a small town, be proud of the 10 car repair at crowded. He was appointed as an assistant mechanic, but his work sometimes as a "baby-sitter" the boy is the owner of the shop. Honda dream to become a car mechanic and he never got the chance .. He then asked permission to go home if it does not become mechanical, then packed his bags and quit his job and left the big city. He not only resigned but try and work hard to achieve his dream. Six months later, after a disaster, garage mechanics needed because some did not come back, he was called to help fix the car, finally opened opportunities for him to achieve these dreams. When she finally went to school.

Like other countries, Japan was hit by a large depression in the 1930s. In 1938, Soichiro Honda was a student, when he started to open the workshop and developed the concept of ring-shaped piston. He plans to offer the idea to Toyota was working day and night, often sleeping in the garage. He always believes that he can refine the design and produce a useful product. To start a business using the capital of jewelry from his wife. When the draft was made sempel and offered to Toyota, the piston does not meet the standards. The technicians laugh at his design. Despite the failure, he remained firm to his guns and learn from failure. After two years redesigning survive and, eventually won a contract from Toyota. Then Soichiro Honda built a factory to meet demand for Toyota. But in the bomb factory twice during the war to become messy. He remains determined to fulfill his dream to build a factory, but once again the factory was destroyed by a massive earthquake. He was never out of the disaster.

After the war finished, there is a shortage of fuel, forcing people to walk or use bicycles. Honda makes small engines and can be installed on the bike, but the difficulty of material, so that does not meet the demand. Honda wrote a letter to 18,000 bicycle shop owner, but the results just get a little money. However, with these makeshift money, he makes small engines for bicycles. In the first model, takes place in order to work properly, so he developed and adapted continuously until eventually produce a small engine. 'The Super Cub "into reality and success. Success in Japan, Honda began exporting to Europe and America

In the 1970s, fuel scarcity, then in the United States shifted from large vehicles to smaller vehicles. Honda quickly capture this trend. Now, Honda Corporation has a staff of more than 100,000 people in the United States and Japan, in charge of 43 companies in 28 countries, which is one of the largest car company in the world and the company ranked 26 of the most amazing world in 2003. "The views of people in my success is only 1%, but what they do not see 99%, that is my failures" said Soichiro Honda. The disaster led to his success in the business world. Whoever be patient and return that we belong to God, if afflicted with calamity, then Allah will soon put on the best God paradise like.


Companies typically compete not only with other companies in its industry, but also compete with companies in other industries that produce alternative products. Products include goods, services and ideas. Alternative products is broader than simply the substitution of products or substitute products. Product substitution has a different shape, but the same functions and benefits. While alternative products include products which have different functions and forms, but the same goal.

Items such replacements, we're making our company's financial statements, it can use financial software, hire a professional accountant or use a ballpoint pen and paper. Financial software, professional accountants and ballpoint has a different shape, but serve the same function.

Alternative products such as cinemas and restaurants. Cinema offers visual entertainment, while the restaurant offers a pleasurable dining functions and chatted desempatan. Cinemas and restaurants have different forms and functions, but has the same goal, namely to enjoy a walk or enjoy a different atmosphere in the house. Cinemas and restaurants is not a replacement product, but an alternative product.

NTT DoCoMo, a Japanese telecommunications can create a market without competitors with alterntif products. NTT DoCoMo created this market by thinking of an alternative mobile phone and internet. What is the advantage the Internet than cell phones and what the benefits of the Internet than cell phones? Internet excellence, offering a wide range of information, including e-mail facility, information such as news, weather, phone directories and entertainment such as online gaming, music and TV on-line. High price weakness from the internet and rental of computer hardware, a flood of information, difficulties in the process of connecting to the internet and the fear of credit card information electronically. While the benefits of cell phones is high mobility, voice transmission and ease of use. NTT DoCoMo combining the two advantages of mobile phones and the Internet by launching i-mode phone. Although i-mode phone is more expensive around 25% of cell phone, but still cheaper than a computer and a higher mobility. Billing services as simple as all services billed lepada Internet users in the same monthly bill, while eliminating concerns of misuse of credit cards used on the Internet. I-mode service is automatically activated when the phone is alive, so do not bother to log on.

I-mode service was launched in 1999 and at the end of 2003, the number of i-mode subscribers had reached 40.1 million and revenue from data transmission, images and text jumped from 295 million yen ($ 2.6 million) in 1999 to 886.3 yen ($ 8 billion) in 2003. This service creates a new market without competitors by attracting young and old population and the change that had just consumen use voice services to consumers who also use the data transmission. Kim and Mauborgne call it, the strategy of NTT DoCoMo's done as a blue ocean strategy.