
Greenhouse effect

The greenhouse effect, which was first proposed by Joseph Fourier in 1824, is a process of heating the surface of an object (especially a planet or satellite) caused by the composition and state of the atmosphere.

Mars, Venus, and other celestial bodies beratmosfer (such as a natural satellite of Saturn, Titan) have greenhouse effect, but this article only discusses the influence on the Earth.
The greenhouse effect for each of the heavenly bodies had to be discussed in each article.

The greenhouse effect can be used to designate two different things: the natural greenhouse effect which occurs naturally in the earth, and the enhanced greenhouse effect caused by human activities (see also global warming).
A rear accepted by all; the first accepted by most scientists, although there are some differences of opinion.

The greenhouse effect caused by rising concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other gases in the atmosphere. The increase in CO2 concentration is caused by increased burning of fuel oil, coal and other organic fuels which exceed the ability of plants and oceans to absorb them.
Energy into the Earth:
25% reflected by clouds or other particles in the atmosphere
25% absorbed by clouds
45% absorbed by the earth's surface
5% reflected back by the earth's surface
The absorbed energy reflected back in the form of infrared radiation by the clouds and the earth's surface.
But most of the infrared emitted by the clouds and the earth retained CO2 and other gases, to be returned to the earth's surface. Under normal circumstances, the greenhouse effect is required, with the greenhouse effect temperature difference between day and night on earth is not too much different.
Besides CO2, which can cause the greenhouse effect is sulfur dioxide, nitrogen monoxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and some organic compounds such as methane and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). These gases play an important role in enhancing the greenhouse effect.

Increasing the temperature of the earth's surface will result in a very extreme climate changes on earth.
This can lead to disruption of forests and other ecosystems, thereby reducing its ability to absorb carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Global warming caused the melting of icebergs in the polar regions that could lead to rising sea levels.The greenhouse effect will also lead to rising sea temperatures that occur sea water expands and sea level rise which resulted in the island nation will get a very big influence.
According to the simulation calculation, the greenhouse effect has increased the Earth's average temperature 1-5 ° C.
If the trend of increased greenhouse gases remain as it is now global warming will cause an increase between 1.5 to 4.5 ° C around the year 2030.
With increasing concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, the more heat waves reflected from the surface of the earth's atmosphere is absorbed. This will cause the earth's surface temperature to rise.

Ethics at Work

You need to understand the basic ethics in the office, because the workplace is a place where you spend most of your productive time.

If you bad ethics is bad then your reputation. Here are some basic ethics in the world of work.

1. Do not let the loss of dignity and integrity in the workplace

2. Do not you seem desperate and 'cheap' against men colleagues.

3. Avoid chewing gum, especially when the meeting took place.

4. In some offices have work clothes that have been determined, follow these rules.

5. Maintain tidiness of your desk.

6. Always on time.

7. When sneezing or coughing, cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief or tissue.

8. Physical hygiene.

9. Polite at all times.

10. Do not interrupt when someone is speaking.

11. Avoid to always dominate the discussion or meeting while.

12. Avoid for other colleagues eavesdrop.

13. Avoid gossip in the workplace.

14. Avoid receiving a personal phone in the office.

15. If you must take a call, talk to a gentle and careful so as not to disturb other colleagues. If necessary, you come out of the room for a moment.

16. Romance in the office should be avoided.

17. train communication with professional style.

18. It's okay to criticize other colleagues, but do face to face and use a soft language

19. Do not hesitate to apologize if it made a mistake.

20. The boss is always right, would like nothing, avoid to argue.

21. Be the first person to make new employees comfortable.

22. Always show an elegant attitude.