
8 People Types of People Who Need to be shunned

A healthy relationship is important for the health and welfare of the soul. However, we often get stuck in a relationship with someone who has the character of 'negative'. They are generally used to complain, irritable, or impatient.

Recognizing a person's character at the beginning of the introduction is important.Especially if there is a prospect of continuing in a more serious relationship. Identify the number of characters a person, as quoted by the Times of India.

1. Maintaining the past
Some people refused to let go of the past and are likely to 'treat' painful memories. As a result, these people live with anger and bitterness. If there is continuous, can influence people around him.

Solution: If they start to bring up the subject of the past, do not hesitate to tell him that you do not want to talk about it.

2. Self-pity
Nothing is more annoying than people who feel the burden of the whole world. Instead of looking for solutions, this type of people continue to self-pity and do not see a way out.

Solution: Offer to help and if it still does not want change, you should stay away from him.

3. Hypocritical
Nothing is more frustrating than dealing with people who have the nature of 'the other in another mouth in the heart'. In front of you, he appears the most sweet, but acted instead on the back of your

Solution: If you catch this happening again and again to others, please stay away. It is not possible he is doing the same thing to you.

4. Always negative
He is the kind of person who always looked at the negatives of their lives.

Solution: Please help to see the positive side of himself. If you do not want to accept, do not let it affect you negatively.

5. Most perfect
People like this usually feel better and interesting than others. He really enjoyed the activities criticize and laugh at other people.

Solution: Be patient with his behavior. However, if they do not change, it is time to leave.

6. Proud secret indulgence
They are very proud to tell the scandal in life and happy to involve as many people in the debate.

Solution: It could be you can listen to it. However, if the influence yourself, immediately move away.

7. Frustration
People are always feel frustrated with their life and take it out on others around him. In fact, they often take an irrational conclusion.

Solution: If she starts planning something crazy to say that it bothers you.

8. The Commentator
People like this comment on everything that happens in the lives of others. Often, their words lead to fights.

Solution: Be careful when being around people and be careful with your words.

For Outstanding Career Stay on Top

Have fallen from their peak to a place you never imagined before? This condition may occur. Many people are already at the top, had suffered a career decline.
Maintaining a career position is more difficult than building. Therefore, if you want to stay at the top, you need to have a powerful strategy.

It takes investment 'assets' you to keep and maintain the success you have achieved today. These assets, among others:

1. Left
Time is the most valuable. If passed, the time can not be returned. Thus, use of time as possible just for the things that is oriented around the growth and stability of your career.Allocate your time only for productive activities and important.

2. Material
Building wealth is not only knowing the strategy earn big. But we also need to know about managing money. The trick is simple, larger servings of 'rice' (read: money) is invested back instead of rice consumed.

No matter how much your current income, try to reinvest the money. Usefulness, can be a 'pillar' career when you have a problem, so that your life is not really collapsed. Even possible that with this investment you can have a new career in addition to a career in which you worked today.

3. The people around you
Humans are social beings. Therefore, in reaching for something, people need other people, whether family, leaders in the office, colleagues, and so forth. Invest these people a way to give good treatments, so when you need them, they are happy to support you. Remember, people outside of yourself you can build once you drop.

5 Causes of Employees Working Effectively

You may often see people who likes to do activities not related to the duties and responsibilities. Chat, chat, or shopping in the hours of work, are the things most frequently encountered.

If you are a leader in a company where you work, especially if You are a woman with half his men sex men, you need find out the cause of this problem. That way you can do anticipate correctly. Although now no longer a question of his time gender, but most men tend to still do not want to be women.

This is the cause of it, and this solution:

1. Motivation less
People eager to do something in accordance with the duties and responsibilities he replied, driven by motivation. Therefore, keep your motivation them. Embed this in itself a subordinate, what will happen if they fail of duties and responsibilities. And, what reward will be obtained if they worked well and satisfactorily.

2. Not like the task delegated
When you like something, we certainly will do our best. Sometimes, because it was not in accordance with educational background, experience, and position, people are forced to accept the assignment. Although the actual do not like.

For cases like this, make sure your employees that any task given company, it is best for the company and for him. Reassure on them, the task is very important and can influence whether or not advanced company where he was making a living.

3. Effect of cyberspace
It can not be denied, this time the Internet is something that most tempting. Because, through cyberspace, people can access anything. Block unimportant sites, and limit the use of computers only to part who do need the internet. If necessary, if there was a big account result of using the Internet, warning them to be more effective and efficient in accessing the virtual world.

4. Influence Friends
This case is somewhat difficult to handle, because you can not forbid people get along with anyone. The only way is, if there are among your employees who likes to spread negative influence, remind him and as much control possible. If he is proven effective to make the other employees do not work, give warning. If he did not want to change, mutasikan as learning.

5. Weekend
Traditionally in all offices, employees typically have morale on Monday-Thursday. On Friday, because Saturday some office holiday, which is on the minds of most employees is a way to spend vacation on weekends. Akibatnyam every Friday rhythm tends to decrease. Tighten oversight on the day of 'vulnerable' is, and make sure they work as usual.


Reasons Employees Can High Salary

The amount of salary received at the company where we work affects patterns and our living standards. The higher their salary, the higher and also the more modern lifestyle.

However, many people are not satisfied with the amount of salary received. Whereas they felt he had to work hard and give our best to company.

Instead of complaining endlessly, stress, and envious of friends who paid higher, better see why someone highly paid, exceeds salary You.

1. 'Hijacked', rather than applying

You may have heard the term 'piracy employees'. People 'Hijacked' are usually the people who are believed to have the ability inadequate and potentially raising the company. So do not be surprised if people who are recruited have higher salaries than those employed through the recruitment process.

2.Memiliki ability above average

People who have performed above average with people who have performance to the degree necessary, even below average, certainly gets the treatment differ from the company. People who are achievers rewarded with promotions, so that his salary was raised automatically. Or, get the increase salaries are special. So, if you also want high-paying, berprestasilah.

3. Duties and responsibilities of far greater

Observe carefully, if you do only routine things, and from time to time does not produce anything significant for the company, while colleagues to contribute more to the company, who earnings will be higher?

More big and heavy work carried, of course awards given company will also be greater. Therefore, if you burdened with a lot of work that feels hard, chances are you are being tested superiors. If you are able to finish well, your boss or company would not hesitate to raise your salary.

Raised by:

Kevin Wu, Managing Director CoreAction Result Consulting, has helped several companies in the country doubled in just the result of relatively short with a simple management method and applicable. No excessive if many parties who called it a "Result Consultant".