
Good friends Self Starting from the Good Behavior

1. Appreciate your time
Cherish the time to understand those around us, to always humble, gentle, and patient. Understanding a person must do first before you can build a relationship. Ideally, we should try to be always humble, gentle, and patient. Willingness to help sesame is the embodiment of love. At the time of doing this you have passed what is important for your partner.

Keeping your commitments is a statement of your ability to be reliable. If you are the person who kept your word, someone else can tell the problem, even a secret to you with a sense of security. Your ability to be reliable make people interested in you and usually you will often consulted.

Integrity is our word menyesuaian with reality. You do as you say, feel, think, and do. You keep your promises and meet expectations. You are authentic!
Be Authentic. That means you do not have the slightest desire to do the trick invisible or visible in the treatment and what you are saying. If you are a person who has integrity, you treat all people with the principles the same, regardless of them in front of you or not. Ideally is that we make every effort to be a person who applies spotless, like: always do what is fair and tell the truth with all his heart, holding on to a promise he had spoken, although a loss, not to spread slander, does no harm to friends or people who believe , does not despise other people, not criticize & judge other people who have principles and values are different.

There are three levels of human respect.
The first level is a natural respect, or should.
The second level is respect based on the characters.
The third level is respect based on actions.

Mental attitude is the way you think, feel, or look at something.
Some of the things you say to yourself is a reflection of confidence and your mental attitude about yourself. If you say negative and disparaging yourself, it also affects how you respond to someone else. The attitude of people against you can affect you! You can not control what other people think, but you can control two things:
What do you say about your yourself, and How do you respond to what others say about you

One reason someone is interested to others is because he heard. There are five messages in what you say:
1. What do you mean
2. What you say
3. What is heard by others
4. What other people think he heard
5. What others are saying about what you say.

7. Encouragement
To be able to be an encouragement you need to have an optimistic attitude. Encouragement is to inspire, to continue the road that has been selected, instill a spirit and a sense of trust. Encouragement is not something given as an achievement.
By the time you give encouragement, you convey a negative message in a positive way. That is the way to find the things that build up and positively in various situations.

Reaching the Key Future Success

Digging around and Potential Potential Self is to prepare the Universal Life and the Future of Success is Dynamic.
If you have not dug enough potential to Success, this is the Key - The main key.
  • Mind-Power : Pind-Power is the strength of mind that comes from the subconscious programming to Success. All the habits and weaknesses can be overcome by refining and improving the use of Mind-Power.
  • Brain-Power : Brain-Brain Power Power is sourced from the balance between the Left Brain and Right Brain. Analysis of the balance between the brain and the Creative Brain. IQ and EQ balance is achieved.
  • Soul-Power : Soul-Power is the strength of spirit that comes from confidence and gratitude that is not broken. Not limited. Not limited to the concept of deity, but also on Something Memeberikan Everything. Now it is common with desebut ESQ.
  • Metaphysic-Power : Metaphysic-Power is the power of the Universal Metafisik or if already activated disah and will provide the power to control the various events - Requirements.
Increased Metaphysic-Power can also be improved by improving and combining the Mind-Brain-Power and Power. If you want to practice and practice small events you can accomplish in a matter of days.

Entrepreneur School

Stanford University and Harvard business school Univesity is that has produced a powerful entrepreneur. Even Harvard was chosen as the world's best business schools. Nevertheless Harvard University is still getting criticism from one businessman who had been invited to be guest lecturer at Harvard University. McCormack is a lecturer, to expose what is not taught in the School of Business (Harvard Univesity). Why not teach? Because Harvard professor can not teach it. It is not taught is creativity and innovation. Yet creativity and innovation are part of the entrepreneurial spirit. Entrepreneurs are people who respond to any changes in the environment in a creative and innovative.

There are schools that can teach not only the creativity and innovation, but to teach people with full ability. The school teaches man as the true Bani Adam, the man who can control himself from eating and drinking excessively, overdress, excessive driving and excessive desire. Humans are not greedy.

The school also teaches people to be basyar, namely those who have the ability to maintain physical and soul remain healthy and fit. Physical is like a machine to work continuously. In order for the machine is working properly and lasting needs to be maintained properly. The soul is like the rhythm of the machine work. Both must be combined into a single and harmonious.
The school is making students become human, ie someone who has the ability to think outside the ordinary, so it can absorb knowledge exceptional, including business knowledge. Opportunities tend to side with people who are trained, who did not just use logic, but it combines with intuition. If the logical equivalent of the sun, then the intuition is the month. Both are very important in a business that should be owned by people who bear the title creature.

The school is making students become Annas, the student who can get along with superiors, subordinates with a good colleague. Cooperate in secret communication. True communication will be realized only if they can understand the intent, words and feelings of our communication opponent. We must understand our speaker, after that we only understood by our speaker.

Schools can also make the student with the title abdun, ie students who have the ability to serve God well, as the ultimate weapon in time to see the trials or difficulties. Schools can improve spiritual intelligence. Spiritual intelligence to make rational intelligence and emotional intelligence to be more effective. This school is indeed man made perfect, or insan kamil. Schools that can beat Harvard University and Stanford University, even the best schools in the world without this game called Fasting Ramadan.


Learning Becoming Entrepreneur of Ruth Handler

We can learn to be entrepreneurs from a woman named Ruth Handler. Ruth Handler to start the business came from a toy his son, in the form of paper dolls. When the doll fell and torn, her son crying. Ny-Handler then thought to make the doll a more permanent and ultimately realistic doll made of plastic. This doll is a toy that children of the world's most successful. Barbie taken from the name of the daughter of Ruth Handler, which is Barbara Millicent Roberts. Ny. Handler is the wife of one of the founders of Mattel.
In modern management, the Barbie doll that can be long betahan is a strange thing. According to Ian Ritchie from the Oxford Group consultant who has worked with toy company Hasbro children, found the key lessons from the business of children's toys. Placing a child's toy to the market as quickly as possible is very important. Time required from an idea to plastered on the shelves of toy stores, children can be a difference between success and failure. In the marketing world doll timing must be absolutely right. To achieve success should follow the trend doll movies, books, stories, or the latest television series. Barbie is a universal product and usually standardized. There are also a number of diverse costumes. More than 100 new costumes added each year. This dikeranakan, Barbie is a woman Renaisansi, successful career woman, a member of rock band and football world cup for women.
The next success was when he decided a male friend of Barbie, is Ken. Ken creation is actually an accident, but it produces the expansion of exceptional brands. Ken was introduced in 1961, who hid behind, possibly he was glad to see Barbie success in various aspects of life. Introduction Ken has laid the foundation for the entire set of extensions which maintain the Barbie brand remains the center of attention.
The next friend is Midge Barbie raised in 1963, then peremp uan sister Barbie, the skipper in 1964, followed in 1968, Christie's, a black friend. In 1988, Barbie had a confidant, a friend of Teresa and Hispanic. The next friend is Kira, a friend of Asia which was launched in 1992. Barbie baby sister Kelly and the smallest is Becky, who was in a wheelchair who was introduced in 1997. Now Barbie has an 15,000 combined with changing his clothes, his eyes, the color, but not to replace the leg.

Learning Become Entrepreneurs from Matsushita

Successful entrepreneur who came from Japan are Matsushita. Matsushita comes from ordinary people and was raised in poverty near the small village of Wakayama. He has seven brothers and sisters. His family had once lived a relatively prosperous, but after his father's business went bankrupt commodity, he lived in poverty.
Matsushita left school in 1904 and an apprentice to a charcoal maker. After a career that he became an inspector at the Osaka Electric Light Company, and eventually established his own company, with the name of Matsushita Electric.
Matsushita to produce for the first time is a plug adapter. This adapter has actually proposed to the previous employer but did not receive a response. To create this product, along with four companions Matsushita took four months. After this product so no one was going to buy this product. Companies start to believe, when he received orders insulator plates. Orders are filled in a timely and high quality products. Of their profits, Matsushita develop innovative Speda lights. Like the adapter products, bike lights are not attractive to retailers. Matsushita then asked the seller to demonstrate to leave a light burning in each of their stores singgahi. These demonstrations attract customers, so the business began to walk and is the cornerstone of suskses Matsushita. In 1932 Matsushita knew already has 1000 employees, 10 factories, and 280 patents. The decision to demonstrate its products to customers is the basis for the beginning of the empire.
Matsushita to build ships and aircraft in the Second World War. In 1958, Matsushita Electric received awards for the quality of factory operations and in 1990, Matsushita bought MCA company. Matsushita has created one of the most famous brands in the world, the Panasonic and has created a 42 billion dollar business. All started with capital from scratch and defeated dreams west industries and use the philosophy of running water.

Learning Become Entrepreneurs from Levi Strauss

To become entrepreneurs, we can learn from Levi Strauss. Levi Strauss came from Bavaria. He arrived in New York in 1847 and collaborated with his stepbrother in the business of goods dried. In 1853 Strauss went to San Francisco to build his own business. The opportunity came when one of its customers, Nevada tailor named Jacob Davis, shows an idea of changing his trousers. Result trousers strong and durable, suitable for use when you're a gold miner or a farmer. Davis takes $ 68 to register the design patent. In 1873 Strauss and Davis patented the pants, or "waist-high overalls" was called at that time. Companies increasingly prosperous and when he died, the company has a wealth of Levi Strauss $ 6 million.
The greatest challenge facing the company occurred in 1906, when an earthquake followed by a fire that destroyed the company headquarters and two factories. The actions of Levi Strauss to give credit to customers so they can grosirnya up and back in business. Companies continue to pay his employees and a temporary office and showroom is open to give them something to do, while the new headquarters and a factory was built. At the time of great depression, when the CEO Walter Haas Sr.. Stay hiring employees by having them build a new floor at the company factory on Valencia Street in San Francisco and not dismiss them. He argued that workers who are authorized, the people who share the values and aspirations are similar to companies such as managers and owners, will make the company become the market leader. "You can not make people excited or get their support unless the organization has a soul" Haas said. Then provide equal opportunity for African-Americans to work in the factory plant in the 1950s and 1960s, when they expand their business into the southern states.
In line with its business development, community of people who embrace their tradition of growing together. Levi-Strauss is now getting 40 percent of its profits from international business and plant products in more than 50 countries around the world. A quarter of employees working outside the United States. Levi Strauss chose to do the noble effort to keep driving up hiring employees when the company was in trouble. By doing noble Lord probably helped.


Global Warming and Its effect

Current world beset by global warming issue that in no more than a century will show the consequences and potentially devastating memporak-human civilization. Disasters triggered because the instability of the climate began to take its toll much that is not small. Although only a studies or predictions, it helps us be aware of this warning.

1. Great Barrier Reef Gone in 20 Years

Rising sea water due to global warming in 20 years will drown this magical coral clusters. Charlie, a former chief researcher at the Australian Institute of Marine Science said in The Times: "There is no hope, the Great Barrier would be gone 20 years or more. Once the carbon dioxide (CO2) touches such as the predicted levels between 2030 and 2060, the entire reef will disappear. This is supported researchers reefs and also all other relevant organizations. This is critical and this is reality.
2. Amazon forest will turn into desert

Having millions of species and reserve 1 / 5 the world clean water, the Amazon forest is the largest tropical rain forest in the world. But global warming and reverse the deforestation of forest function as carbon sinks and forests transform into 30-60 percent of dry pasture. Projections indicate this forest could vanish by the year 2050.

3. Sahara Desert will be green

Scientists see signs that the Sahara desert and the surrounding green areas due to increased rainfall. The rain was able to revitalize the area so attractive gersangnya farming community. The trend is the shrinking desert explained by climate models, which predict a return to conditions that alter the Sahara into fertile pasture as about 12 thousand years ago.

4. Hurricane winds will blow More Powerful

Can not be explained if global warming is responsible for the occurrence of Hurricane Katrina. But there are indications that global warming will make storms Berkategori 5 - Hurricane Katrina alone Berkategori 4 when hit Louisiana. Storm strength starts from the warm water and forecast models show future hurricanes will become more powerful as the rising sea temperatures. Global warming is making storms more destructive to the rising sea levels that trigger a larger floods in coastal areas.

5. Drowned In London 2100

Not only rocks and islands that are threatened ramps global warming. In fact a major threat area is also haunted cities in coastal areas at risk of sinking under water due to rising sea levels. Dozens of world cities including London and New York could have gone deep towards the end of this century, according to research that says global warming will cause sea levels rising faster than previously predicted. London, including major cities at high risk as described in a 2007 film entitled "The Flood". According to experts of this city would sink not until 100 years.

6. The animals are shrinking

New study says that that species of animals had an average shrinkage of 50 percent of his body mass dalm last 30 years. Early studies on sheep suspected that the winter is shorter and lighter to make the sheep do not add weight to survive the first year of life. Such factors may also affect fish populations. The researchers say climate change could disrupt food chains, where the predators at the top of the food chain of the most affected because of the shrinking of the prey.

7. Losing Thousands Islands

Indonesia island As a result of global warming, at least 2000 small islands in the Indonesian archipelago may be lost before this yahun 2030 danhal worsened as a consequence of illegal mining and other activities that damage the environment. Indonesia today has lost at least 24 of the 17,500 islands in the region.

8. Global Warming May Trigger Terrorism

Global warming may create conditions of instability in poor countries, leading to the migration and development into a fertile ground of terrorism. Condition unstable state due to the harsh climate and uncertain cause many people to leave the country and because of the pressure some of them could perform acts of terrorism. Not to mention the problem of rejection of the visited countries of these immigrants.

9. Melting Alps

In recent years the intensity reduction is seen snow in low areas, the shrinking volume of glaciers (rivers of ice), and also increased melting ice area. This has a direct impact on tourism activities in the winter. Glacier-glacier predicted it would disappear between 2030 and 2050. Italy and Switzerland have decided to re-draw the boundaries of their territories due to reduction in glacier-Alpine glaciers and sweeping marks territory borders the two countries.

10. The sinking of the Maldives Islands

Low islands and flats are surrounded by seas predicted to be drowned by the sea that surrounds it. This is bad news for the residents and also for the world of tourism that relies on the beaches of white sand with warm water. The researchers gave no more than a hundred years before the islands bebar completely vanished into the ocean.

Horrible indeed, although almost all of us may not be experienced, but it is our grandchildren who will deal with it. Maybe some people think global warming issue is just nonsense, but maybe some of us have felt the temperature rise in each region compared to about 10 years ago. The author himself about 10-15 years ago had lived in one of the city at that time the weather is always cool, even though by mid-morning. And in recent years the city was in the hot afternoon heat did not lose to the city of Jakarta. Indeed nothing has proved as a result of global warming, but one thing is clear, it's time to rethink human nature to respect and friendly nature in all its activities including the development strategies, both infrastructure and industry.

iPod touch News

8GB $199 , 32GB$299 & 64GB $399 New.
14,000 songs
80 hours of video
90,000 photos
Voice Control
Up to 30 hours of music playback
Up to 6 hours of video playback
iPod touch 3.1 software
Nike + iPod support built in
Built-in speaker
Earphones with Remote and Mic
See, hear, touch everything the you on one really great iPod.

iPod touch lets you enjoy everything you love about an iPod, and then some. Watch your movies and TV shows on a brilliant 3.5-inch display. Use the revolutionary Multi-Touch interface to flick through your music in Cover Flow. And anytime you’re itching for more entertainment, just tap iTunes to browse and buy on the fly.


With room for up to 14,000 songs and up to 30 hours of audio playback time, iPod touch gives you nonstop musical entertainment. And the new Genius Mixes and Voice Control features add even more ways for you to experience your music.

Genius Mixes
Now the Genius feature is even more powerful. Introducing Genius Mixes. All you do is sync iPod touch to iTunes, and Genius automatically searches your library

and finds songs that sound great together. Then it creates multiple mixes you’ll love. These mixes are like channels programmed entirely with your music.

Genius Playlists
Say you’re listening to a song on your iPod touch that you really like and want to hear other tracks that go great with it. Just tap the Genius icon. Genius automatically finds songs on your iPod touch that go great with your selected song and makes a Genius playlist for you.

You listen to music, and now your music listens to you. The new 32GB and 64GB iPod touch models feature Voice Control. So you can tell iPod touch to play songs from a specific playlist or artist. Or speak simple commands such as “shuffle,” “pause,” and “next song.” You can even ask for the name of the track that’s currently playing (and hear iPod touch answer you).

Apple Earphones with Remote and Mic
The new 32GB and 64GB iPod touch models come with the Apple Earphones with Remote and Mic, which are perfect for using the Voice Memos app and Voice Control.

Movies + TV Shows

Your very own private screening awaits you on iPod touch. Watch the latest film release or an episode of your favorite sitcom anytime you want. Store up to 80 hours of video and get up to 6 hours of video playback time on the new iPod touch.

Part of what makes iPod touch so amazing is that iTunes is literally at your fingertips. A Wi-Fi connection and a quick tap are all it takes to get instant access to millions of songs and thousands of movies and TV shows. Not to mention applications, audiobooks, and free podcasts and iTunes U lectures. Preview and buy that album you’ve been wanting. Rent that film everyone raved about, or make it part of your collection. iTunes on iPod touch is your doorway to endless entertainment possibilities.

Two creature Mutually beneficial life

The ants are not eaten by ants Pouch ?

Plants in the bag "bag-Semar" Nepenthes bicalcarata who live in the
East India, there lived a colony of ants. This plant and pot shaped like a menghinggapinya insects. Nevertheless, the ants were free to move and took the remains of insects and other food from this plant.

This cooperation benefits both parties, ants and plants. Although the ants may be eaten by Nepenthes, they can build nests in these plants. The plant also leaves a certain network and the remains of insects to ants. And in return, ants protect the plants from enemies.
That tends to stay on the plant because of the fluid called "nectar left" issued plants. Liquid nectar is an attraction for the ants to come to the plant. Many species of plants that discharge was evident at certain times. For example, the black cherry tree produces this fluid is only three weeks in a year. Certainly at the time of discharge was not a coincidence that three weeks to coincide with the one time a kind of worm attacking black cherry trees. Ants are attracted to the nectar can kill this worm and to protect the plants?

Ants tend to stay on the plant because of the fluid called "nectar left" issued plants. Liquid nectar is an attraction for the ants to come to the plant. Many species of plants that discharge was evident at certain times. For example, the black cherry tree produces this fluid is only three weeks in a year. Certainly at the time of discharge was not a coincidence that three weeks to coincide with the one time a kind of worm attacking black cherry trees. Ants are attracted to the nectar can kill these caterpillars and protect plants.
Only by using common sense, we can see that this is proof of creation. Common sense is not possible to accept that this tree can take when danger will strike and then decided that the best way to protect themselves is to attract ants and alter its chemical structure. Cherry tree does not have a brain. Therefore, he could not think, calculate, or change the chemical mixture. If we assume that this is a clever way nature obtained from a coincidence, that is the basic thought of evolution, this would not make sense. It was clear that this tree has done something that is based on the intelligence and science.
Therefore, the only conclusion that can we draw is that the nature of this plant has been formed because of a Will that has been created.
When we refer to all forms of regulation that made him, it was obvious that he not only has power over the tree, but also for the ants and worms. If further research is done again, of course, can be seen that he has power over the universe and has set up every part of nature in isolation but in harmony and in harmony, forming a complete circuit that we know as the "ecological balance". If we think any further and examine other areas, such as geology and astronomy, we will arrive at a similar picture. Everywhere we go, we'll see millions of systems functioning perfectly harmonious and orderly. All of these systems indicate the existence of the Self. However, none of this natural-forming element that can serve as the manager was. Therefore the regulator should be He Who omniscient and omnipotent over the universe.

Al Quran describes the Lord as follows:
"He is Allah, the Creator, The Hold, The Visual Form, The Names Have the Best. Exalt him what is in the heavens and the earth. And He is the Almighty, the Wise."
(Surat al-Hashr, 59:24)

iPhone 3G

Meet the fastest, most powerful iPhone yet. iPhone 3GS features video recording, Voice Control, up to 32GB of storage, and more.

The Fastest iPhone Ever

The first thing you’ll notice about iPhone 3GS is how quickly you
can launch applications. Web pages render in a fraction of the time, and you can view email attachments faster. Improved performance and updated 3D graphics deliver an incredible gaming experience, too. In fact, everything you do on iPhone 3GS is up to 2x faster and more responsive than iPhone 3G.


Now you can shoot video, edit it, and share it — all on your iPhone 3GS. Shoot high-quality VGA video in portrait or landscape. Trim your footage by adjusting start and end points. Then share your video in an email, post it to your MobileMe gallery, publish it on YouTube, or sync it back to your Mac or PC using iTunes3-Megapixel Camera

The new 3-megapixel camera takes great still photos, too, thanks to built-in autofocus and a handy new feature that lets you tap the display to focus on anything (or anyone) you want

Voice Control

Voice Control recognizes the names in your Contacts and knows the music on your iPod. So if you want to place a call or play a song, all you have to do is ask.


With a built-in digital compass, iPhone 3GS can point the way. Use the new Compass app, or watch as it automatically reorients maps to match the direction you’re facing.

Cut, Copy & Paste

Cut, copy, and paste words and photos, even between applications. Copy and paste images and content from the web, too.

Landscape Keyboard

Want more room to type on the intelligent software keyboard? Rotate iPhone to landscape to use a larger keyboard in Mail, Messages, Notes, and Safari.


Send messages with text, video, photos, audio, locations, and contact information. You can even forward one or more messages to others.


Find what you’re looking for across your iPhone, all from one convenient place. Spotlight searches all your contacts, email, calendars, and notes, as well as everything in your iPod.


iPhone 3GS offers accessibility features to assist users who are visually
or hearing impaired. These features include the VoiceOver screen reader,
a Zoom feature, White on Black display options, Mono Audio, and more.

Internet Tethering

Surf the web from practically anywhere. Now you can share the 3G connection on your iPhone with your Mac notebook or PC laptop. Tethering is not currently offered in the U.S. and some other countries. See your carrier for availability.

Voice Memos

Capture and share a thought, a memo, a meeting, or any audio recording on the go with the new Voice Memos application.

Nike + iPod

iPhone includes built-in Nike + iPod support. Just slip the Nike + iPod Sensor (available separately) into your Nike+ shoe and start your workout.


Stocks on iPhone shows you charts, financial details, and headline news for any stock you choose. Rotate iPhone to see even more detailed information.


Watch YouTube videos wherever you are. Log in to your YouTube account to save and sync bookmarks and rate your favorites.

Find My iPhone and Remote Wipe

If you misplace your iPhone, Apple’s MobileMe service can
help you find it. Log on to me.com to view a map that shows the approximate location of your iPhone. If it’s nearby, have it play an alert sound to help you find it. If it’s not, you can display a custom message, remotely lock it with a passcode, or initiate a remote wipe and restore it to factory settings.

Everything you love about iPhone.

Phone, ipod and Internet device in one, iPhone 3GS offers desktop-class email, an amazing Maps application, and Safari - the world’s most advanced mobile web browser. And your iPhone does even more when you add apps from the App Store.

Compare iPhones iPhone 3G.

The fastest, most powerful iPhone yet. $199 16GB. $299 32GB.

  • Improved performance
  • 3-megapixel autofocus camera
  • Video recording
  • Voice Control
  • Digital compass
  • Cut, Copy & Paste
  • MMS
  • Spotlight Search
  • Landscape keyboard
  • Voice Memos