
Reasons Employees Can High Salary

The amount of salary received at the company where we work affects patterns and our living standards. The higher their salary, the higher and also the more modern lifestyle.

However, many people are not satisfied with the amount of salary received. Whereas they felt he had to work hard and give our best to company.

Instead of complaining endlessly, stress, and envious of friends who paid higher, better see why someone highly paid, exceeds salary You.

1. 'Hijacked', rather than applying

You may have heard the term 'piracy employees'. People 'Hijacked' are usually the people who are believed to have the ability inadequate and potentially raising the company. So do not be surprised if people who are recruited have higher salaries than those employed through the recruitment process.

2.Memiliki ability above average

People who have performed above average with people who have performance to the degree necessary, even below average, certainly gets the treatment differ from the company. People who are achievers rewarded with promotions, so that his salary was raised automatically. Or, get the increase salaries are special. So, if you also want high-paying, berprestasilah.

3. Duties and responsibilities of far greater

Observe carefully, if you do only routine things, and from time to time does not produce anything significant for the company, while colleagues to contribute more to the company, who earnings will be higher?

More big and heavy work carried, of course awards given company will also be greater. Therefore, if you burdened with a lot of work that feels hard, chances are you are being tested superiors. If you are able to finish well, your boss or company would not hesitate to raise your salary.

Raised by:

Kevin Wu, Managing Director CoreAction Result Consulting, has helped several companies in the country doubled in just the result of relatively short with a simple management method and applicable. No excessive if many parties who called it a "Result Consultant".

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