
The threat of colonialism

Two very prominent in influencing Indonesia's economic ideology is the Bung Karno and Bung Hatta. In the book Under the Flag of the Revolution is a collection of several writings which he published Bung Karno Stadium in the period 1926 to 1941. The book consists of two volumes was published first in 1959. Theme of the writings collected in two volumes of this book is very broad in scope. There is talk about the problem of ideology, social, political, economic, and some are talking about the experience in the Bung Karno disposal. But according to its title, the overall accumulated writings in the book also attach a photograph and handwriting samples Bung Karno, the situation sharply reveals the struggle for independence that was faced by Indonesia. Of all the themes that peeled Bung Karno in these writings, at least there are two major themes that need to be reviewed briefly here. First, about the nature of colonialism, capitalism, and the struggle for Indonesian independence. And second, about nationalism, Islamism, and Marxism.

"Problem colony is about loss or gain; this problem is not a question about the propriety or duty; this problem is about finding life, about business." Later, Bung Karno said, "All theories about the colony, both said that colonialism was the is because the people who colonized it wants to see a foreign country, or who said it was only pertuanan people want to get fame sahaja, both said that people were colonized pertuanan other countries is because their own country because many residents that are too crowded, and who said that colonization is the holding is to spread civility, all theories that can not defend themselves against the theory which teaches that matter is about fortune colonies, economic based questions, about the search for life, "Thus colonialism as a matter of loss or profit, or as economic and business phenomenon, Bung Karno has indirectly associate colonialism with capitalism. There's nothing about capitalism, Bung Karno's attitude is very firm. He does not just criticize capitalism, but sharply opposed. Anti capitalism was not only addressed Bung Karno to foreign capitalists, but shall also apply to their own capitalist nation. "In one public meeting I've said, that we are not sahaja must oppose foreign capitalism, but capitalism must challenge our own people ... ... Is that capitalism? .... Capitalism is a social stelsel life, which arise rather than a separate mode of production workers from the means of production. Capitalism is arising from this mode of production, which thereby becomes meerwarde why not fall in the hands of the workers but fell in the hands of the employer. Capitalism therefore also, is the cause kapitaalaccumulatie, kapitaalconcentratie, kapitaalcentralisatie, and the industrial reserve Armee. Capitalism has a way to Verelendung to spread the misery ". From the Bung Karno crimination against colonialism and capitalism are, can be seen how strong the economic motives behind the struggle for independence is done Bung Karno, Bung Hatta and friends. Thus, since the independence struggle is to liberate the people of Indonesia from the economic oppression by the colonial power of capitalism, the struggle for independence may not be reduced solely as a political struggle, but should be interpreted as an economic struggle. Thus the proclamation of Indonesian independence and the real independence of events and economic institutions to uphold the economic sovereignty of the people of Indonesia are just and prosperous.

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