
Good friends Self Starting from the Good Behavior

1. Appreciate your time
Cherish the time to understand those around us, to always humble, gentle, and patient. Understanding a person must do first before you can build a relationship. Ideally, we should try to be always humble, gentle, and patient. Willingness to help sesame is the embodiment of love. At the time of doing this you have passed what is important for your partner.

Keeping your commitments is a statement of your ability to be reliable. If you are the person who kept your word, someone else can tell the problem, even a secret to you with a sense of security. Your ability to be reliable make people interested in you and usually you will often consulted.

Integrity is our word menyesuaian with reality. You do as you say, feel, think, and do. You keep your promises and meet expectations. You are authentic!
Be Authentic. That means you do not have the slightest desire to do the trick invisible or visible in the treatment and what you are saying. If you are a person who has integrity, you treat all people with the principles the same, regardless of them in front of you or not. Ideally is that we make every effort to be a person who applies spotless, like: always do what is fair and tell the truth with all his heart, holding on to a promise he had spoken, although a loss, not to spread slander, does no harm to friends or people who believe , does not despise other people, not criticize & judge other people who have principles and values are different.

There are three levels of human respect.
The first level is a natural respect, or should.
The second level is respect based on the characters.
The third level is respect based on actions.

Mental attitude is the way you think, feel, or look at something.
Some of the things you say to yourself is a reflection of confidence and your mental attitude about yourself. If you say negative and disparaging yourself, it also affects how you respond to someone else. The attitude of people against you can affect you! You can not control what other people think, but you can control two things:
What do you say about your yourself, and How do you respond to what others say about you

One reason someone is interested to others is because he heard. There are five messages in what you say:
1. What do you mean
2. What you say
3. What is heard by others
4. What other people think he heard
5. What others are saying about what you say.

7. Encouragement
To be able to be an encouragement you need to have an optimistic attitude. Encouragement is to inspire, to continue the road that has been selected, instill a spirit and a sense of trust. Encouragement is not something given as an achievement.
By the time you give encouragement, you convey a negative message in a positive way. That is the way to find the things that build up and positively in various situations.

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