
16 Practical Ways To Develop Yourself

Many people who want to grow, but many of them are confused how your or where to start. Here are 16 practical ways to help you develop the ability themselves.

1. Read a book every day
There is no easier way of adding knowledge to develop themselves but read the book. Read a book each day will open your insight and knowledge about the sciences of self-development which is the current trend.

2. Learn a new language
How many languages do you master today? three? four? or five languages? The more languages you master, then the higher the value of your sales, and of course your brain will be more bermafaat.

3. Find a new hobby
Never underestimate the hobby, if you feel hobby is an activity a waste of time, then you should think again. In addition to relaxing which ultimately impact on the 'freshness' minds, a hobby can also generate profits, whether material or not.

Find a new hobby, if you like sports and futsal enthusiasts, the study also other sports like swimming for example.

4. Take courses
Following the course is another way to develop your skills.

5. Cipatakan room 'creative'
The rooms are creative will stimulate our brains to create something creative as well. Make your work space 'different', not just a dull box of a room that seems to drive you to go home.

6. Improve your skills
To what extent your Public Speaking skills? or how many interview techniques that you mastered? Improve the skills you have until you find an expert in this capacity. Never stop to continue to develop your skills.

7. Wake up earlier
If you get up early, that means time to do productive things add too.

8. Have a regular time Sports
The ability of any well will not be maximized if the condition of your body is unhealthy. Make regular time to exercise, do not let your ability to shut disease that often went to your body.

9. Write
Writing is one activity that can hone your brain in full. Journals, books or blogs can be an alternative to start writing your first.

10. Exit routines
One of the things that make creativity jams are routine. Get out of your routine. A simple example, you try going to the office with a different route than usual.

11. Ask for feedback
Feedback or feedback is important to measure the extent to which results you can. Ask for feedback from colleagues or family and use it as reference to develop the skills yourself.

12. Learning from others
"Even a fool can be right-even", thus roughly the right term to describe this point. Each person is unique and every person is a teacher for us. Do not feel that you feel smarter in every way, stay humble and willing to open yourself to others.

13. Get out of bad habits
Often late in the office? or often a promise? It is a few examples of bad habits. Immediately leave your bad habits. Bad habits can cause the slightest obstacle in developing your skills.

14. Start doing business
Doing business is a very challenging thing. Many experiences will you get from doing business. So do not hesitate, though small, learn to do business.

15. Determine the break
Humans have limits, even machines need a break-even. Manage your time off, and Stay on it.

16. Obey commitment
As good as any plan that you created, as well as any tools and facilities you have, without a commitment to the plan and your impossible dream to come true. Keep always committed and consistent in your dreams and goals.

8 Steps To Program Your Mind

tu workings of our minds just like a computer that is very complicated. Mindset and attitude we are like a program that is installed on the computer. There are programs that you install sendri. There yand programs installed by friends, family, friends, teachers or the environment. Just like computers, our minds can also possessed the mind virus. The meaning of virus is thought pkiran programs that hurt us.
computer program can be activated with the appropriate command. Similarly, a program of mind. The program is stored mind in the subconscious mind and waiting for the right command to become active. Program your mind will be active when a specific sequence of thoughts, words or events arise or we are experiencing.
There are several steps that have to do in programming minds agan:

1. Measure goal agan
before the program agan agan mind, first you have to do is set a goal (goal to be achieved), then give a time limit in achieving that goal. Review the objectives agan, whether it is possible to achieve that goal by the deadline that you specify. For example you want to lose your weight of 100 kg within one week. It is impossible and too excessive. Make that goal might be reached within a week, for example, 10 kg. Once again use your best consideration.

2. Relaxed and casual
loosen all the nerves, relaxing read. Listen to magic alpha or theta wave.

3. Make it as if your goals have been achieved
agan when programming your mind, visualize the incident was happening, although in reality yet, enjoy and feel the end result that you want to achieve, pretend - puralah subconscious mind does not know it, that he knew just make it happen in your experience. The subconscious mind can not distinguish between imagination and reality. Perhaps the phrase, man is what he thinks, it seems appropriate in this case.

4. Use third person
when imagining the end result that you want to achieve, imagine yourself as if - if the movie screen. Do not see yourself from your mind's eye, it will involve a memory rather than imagination. Imagination is the key in programming the mind. It is highly recommended in memprogam mind using the word "you" instead of the word "I". It is highly plausible because the human mind including the social aspect. When you say "I'm happy" may consciously or unconsciously you reject it, but if you've got to say "you're happy" your mind to accept it because it seems - though the word - the word derives from a source outside of you, an observation of another person .

6. Repetition
repetition is very important in programming the mind. Repetition of ideas as often as possible to speed up the goal.

7. Create an idea as simple as possible
do not program the mind too much. Fokuskanlah on one idea. Use simple language and easily understood.

8. Confident and self-confident
sure and confident play a very large in information processing performed by the mind. Confident and will stimulate neural imajinas to work more optimally.

16 Health Benefits For Ants Nest

Ants Nest has been empirically proven to healing a variety of mild and severe disease, like cancer and tumors, gout, coronary heart disease, hemorrhoids, tuberculosis, migraine, arthritis and leukemia. Regarding the mechanism of the active compound content of ant nests in treating these diseases is still necessary to conduct further research. Some diseases can be cured and the possibility of active compounds that contribute to conquer the disease is explained as follows.

The types of cancer and tumors, both benign or malignant, which can be cured with Ants Nest is a brain cancer, nasal cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, uterine cancer, skin cancer, prostate cancer, and cancer blood (leukemia), except the throat and oral cavity cancer.

Ants Nest ability empirically for the treatment of various types of cancer / tumor is allegedly related to the content of flavonoids. There are several mechanisms of flavonoid in combating tumors / cancer, for example inactivation of carcinogens, antiproliferasi, inhibition of cell cycle, induction of apoptosis and differentiation, angiogenesis inhibition, and reversal of multi-drug resistance or a combination of these mechanisms.

Until now the mechanism is unclear, but the ability of ant nests for the treatment of various diseases / disorders of heart had something to do with multi-mineral content of ant nests, particularly calcium and potassium.

Treatment of stroke is strongly associated with the possibility of multi-mineral content contained in ant nests.

4. Hemorrhoid (hemorrhoids)
Ants Nest ability to hemorrhoid treatment (hemorrhoids) associated with the content of flavonoids and taninnya high. Both groups of this compound in some studies it has been proven to treat hemorrhoids.

5. Lumps IN BREAST
The meaning of lumps in the breast is not a tumor swelling (non-neoplasm). Allegedly healing mechanism similar to the cases of tumors and cancer, by relying on the ability of flavonoid contained in the ant nest.

Mechanism of treatment of renal dysfunction and prostate probably something to do with the content of antioxidants (flavonoids and tocopherol) and multi-minerals that exist in ant nests.

7. Menstruation and vaginal discharge
The process of treatment for vaginal discharge and menstruation launch something to do with the content of flavonoids, tannins, and multi-minerals, especially calcium and zinc.

8. Blood circulation
High antioxidant content (tocopherol and flavonoids) and multi-minerals contained in the nest has an important role in blood circulation.

9. Migraine (headaches)
For the treatment of migraine associated with flavonoid function and multi-minerals in ant nests, particularly calcium, sodium, and magnesium.

Treatment of tuberculosis associated with the role of flavonoids contained in the ant nest that serves as an antiviral.

11. Rheumatic (arthritic)
This is related to the ability of flavonoids as inhibitors of xanthine oxidase and antioxidant enzymes as well as tocopherol as an antioxidant and multi-minerals contained in the ant nest.

12. ALLERGIC NASAL DISORDERS, nosebleeds, sneezing
The compounds responsible for this disorder are antioxidants (tocopherol and flavonoids) and tannins.

13. Heartburn
As with tuberculosis, which plays a role in ulcer treatment are flavonoids contained in the ant nest as an antibacterial.

Additional Benefits Ants Nest
In addition to empirically proven to cure various diseases as mentioned above, Ants Nest can also be used to launch and increase breast milk, restore sexual desire, and restore and maintain stamina.

14. ASI launched AND IMPROVING
Multi-mineral content of plants from ant nests suspected to have an important role in launching and increase milk production, accelerate the recovery process of the health of mothers after childbirth, and restore femininity (sari Rapet).

High antioxidant content (tocopherol and flavonoids) and multi-mineral plant-ant nests suspected to have an important role in increasing sexual arousal.

16. Stamina RESTORE BODY
High antioxidant content (tocopherol and flavonoids) and multi-mineral plant Dais Ants Nest allegedly having an important role in restoring freshness and stamina.