
8 Steps To Program Your Mind

tu workings of our minds just like a computer that is very complicated. Mindset and attitude we are like a program that is installed on the computer. There are programs that you install sendri. There yand programs installed by friends, family, friends, teachers or the environment. Just like computers, our minds can also possessed the mind virus. The meaning of virus is thought pkiran programs that hurt us.
computer program can be activated with the appropriate command. Similarly, a program of mind. The program is stored mind in the subconscious mind and waiting for the right command to become active. Program your mind will be active when a specific sequence of thoughts, words or events arise or we are experiencing.
There are several steps that have to do in programming minds agan:

1. Measure goal agan
before the program agan agan mind, first you have to do is set a goal (goal to be achieved), then give a time limit in achieving that goal. Review the objectives agan, whether it is possible to achieve that goal by the deadline that you specify. For example you want to lose your weight of 100 kg within one week. It is impossible and too excessive. Make that goal might be reached within a week, for example, 10 kg. Once again use your best consideration.

2. Relaxed and casual
loosen all the nerves, relaxing read. Listen to magic alpha or theta wave.

3. Make it as if your goals have been achieved
agan when programming your mind, visualize the incident was happening, although in reality yet, enjoy and feel the end result that you want to achieve, pretend - puralah subconscious mind does not know it, that he knew just make it happen in your experience. The subconscious mind can not distinguish between imagination and reality. Perhaps the phrase, man is what he thinks, it seems appropriate in this case.

4. Use third person
when imagining the end result that you want to achieve, imagine yourself as if - if the movie screen. Do not see yourself from your mind's eye, it will involve a memory rather than imagination. Imagination is the key in programming the mind. It is highly recommended in memprogam mind using the word "you" instead of the word "I". It is highly plausible because the human mind including the social aspect. When you say "I'm happy" may consciously or unconsciously you reject it, but if you've got to say "you're happy" your mind to accept it because it seems - though the word - the word derives from a source outside of you, an observation of another person .

6. Repetition
repetition is very important in programming the mind. Repetition of ideas as often as possible to speed up the goal.

7. Create an idea as simple as possible
do not program the mind too much. Fokuskanlah on one idea. Use simple language and easily understood.

8. Confident and self-confident
sure and confident play a very large in information processing performed by the mind. Confident and will stimulate neural imajinas to work more optimally.

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