
Tips for Becoming an Exciting Fight Talk

When talking face to face with someone we have to look enthusiastic and must show as a partner to talk a good and fun. But the problems that often confront us every time we looked at each other directly with the speaker's eyes, it also immediately arise discomfort, nervous and even embarrassed.

Being a good friend who spoke practically easy bother. Especially with new people. That is proof that not everyone really master it, though in fact almost every time is not separated from the activities of communication with others.

Then, how to be good friends and pleasant conversation? Here are tips from The Art Of Conversation as reported by page Yahoo! Shine:

1. Avoid unnecessary detail talks
Sometimes in an exciting conversation, you will feel cornered against the detailed questions about yourself or a case. If you think it is important not to talk about, you do not have to explain it. However, do not divert the conversation because it will change the atmosphere of communication that has been created.

2. Do not ask another question if you answered the previous question was not completed
If you ask a question about one side of life from the other person, do not immediately jump on the topic of another conversation about you before they answered. In addition will make you look selfish, the other person would be lazy to continue the conversation with you.

3. Do not cut someone who is speaking
Tell me what you want to talk about with a clear and straightforward, and do not ever cut the other person. That way you give the other person a chance to express their opinions. Exclaimed two-way conversation would be easy to form.

4. Do not be contradictory, especially if it is not important
Discussions will never escape from the things that are contrary to the values ​​adopted person. However, do not insist if it is not important to talk about.

5. Do not mastered conversation
Ask questions to find out the similarities between you. Never be selfish in a conversation. Two-way conversation between you will make the conversation more fun, and you will find a lot in common with your opponent speaks.

6. Do not always be a hero of every story
Build a balanced conversation. Do not always talk about you, your life, your friends, and any information about you.

7. Choose a topic as you wish with
Read an interesting topic to be discussed with the other person. Do not talk about politics if you know the other person is not a political person.

8. Be a good listener
By being a good listener, you can build the topics that exciting conversation with the other person.

9. Discussions should seharmoni with the environment
Consider the situation around, sometimes the conditions around you could be an interesting topic for discussion.

10. Do not exaggerate stories
Tell a story based on facts. Use tone and expression of the corresponding transform and describe the story.

Steps that must be stressed and instilled Changing Your Attitude To Join Help Reduce Global Warming

• Limit your paper usage
Embed this in your mind firmly, that each time you use a piece of paper then you have cut down a tree. Therefore, use paper-effective manner for example by printing the print out back and forth on each paper. If you nge-print something that is not too important, use recycled paper that behind it is still empty.

• Replace Ball Lamp
Immediately replace your incandescent light bulbs with fluorescent lights. Fluorescent lamp requires less energy than incandescent lamps. Remember that every electric power resources to which you participate then you spend electric energy resources, mostly fossil fuel. Fossil fuels are nonrenewable fuels, and within ten years into the future this type of fuel may be exhausted.

• Avoid Screen Saver
Shut Down your computer if it will not be used in long-term, or if you are forced to leave the computer turned on, turn off the screen saver. Activating the screen saver will take energy and Co2 emissions. So turn off your screen saver now!

• Check Tire Pressure
Each time you want to travel janagn forget to check your tire pressure. Ban the less the wind will slow the vehicle and eventually will require more fuel.

• Open Window-Width Width
In America, most of the 22.7 tons of CO2 emissions come from home. Most of the emission or exhaust gas comes from air conditioning, refrigerator, gas stove or refrigerator. Fatherly minimize it when the air conditioner thermostat to regulate the air temperature outside the room. Then open the windows wide open because the trapped air circulation can consume energy.

• Use Organic Fertilizer
Fertilizers are used mostly farmers contain elements of nitrogen, which then turned into N2O that cause effects GHG (Greenhouse Gas) 320 times greater than CO2. If you use organic fertilizer gardening hobby. In addition to safe, cheap too.

• Plant the Bamboo Grove
The trees are proven to absorb CO2, but it turns out a tree or a clump of bamboo can absorb four times more CO2 than other trees.

• Commercial Vehicles Rise
Currently the number of private cars is so much and make claustrophobic. Transport sector contributes to 14% of emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, if we use a common vehicle then we reduce greenhouse gas emissions, because in a public vehicle can carry dozens of people, and it is very energy efficient. Compared with private vehicles just as the sedan which only carry a maximum of four people.

• Eating Less Meat
Yes, subtract from now eat beef. In addition to calorie y ang megandung high. Beef also contributed to greenhouse gas emissions significantly. Each kilogaram beef we eat, equivalent to 20 watt bulb lit for 20 days.

• Do not Use Plastic Bags
In some American states, affairs and even plastic bags made of all laws. NGOs concerned about the environment to encourage the local state government fatherly prohibit the use of plastic bags as a bag of groceries. Plastic is indeed a difficult element decomposes, it took 1000 years to mengurainya in the soil. Greenhouse gas effect caused also quite large. Then switch to cloth bags, for example from a natural fiber fabric.

• Buy Local Products
Local products would not require a long distribution lines and requires a lot of fuel. This means reducing CO2 emissions released pengangkutnya cars. Then buy products vegetables or fruits according to season. This will save transportation costs and avoid a costly price.

• Efficient Living
Regardless of human activities on earth will have an impact on the earth we live. Energy consumption patterns, environmental patterns and so forth. Live as efficiently as possible, use less energy, komsumsilah little food, leave a consumptive lifestyle, ramahlah on the environment, less talk more thought, and so forth.

• Driving Smart
Avoid long trips and spend time, if possible cut the road do it. Reduce activities that use private vehicles. If forced to use private vehicles, choose the streets and jam-free alternative that does not consume energy. If you wait, turn off the engine because the exhaust gases remain out of fuel while the materials used.

• Wear Used
Now is not the prestige of his era, yet we die does not carry prestige. Nothing to be ashamed to wear secondhand clothes heritage or parents. By reducing buying new clothes then you will help reduce electricity consumption in clothing factories. Moreover, many synthetic fabrics that contain petroleum. Even the cotton from the cotton turned out to contain pesticide.

Easy Tips To Help Reduce Global Warming and the Climate Crisis


• Reduce Meat Consumption - Vegetarianism Is the Best!
Based on research, to produce 1 kg of meat, the resources spent on the equivalent of 15 kg of wheat. Imagine how we can save the earth from food shortages if we are vegetarian. Livestock is also contributing 18% "carbon footprint" of the world, which is greater than the transportation sector (cars, motorcycles, aircraft, etc.).

• Eating And Cook From Materials Still Fresh
Avoiding foods that are processed or packaged will reduce the energy wasted due to process and transport repetitive. Fresh food is also healthier for our bodies.

• Buy Local Products
Local agricultural produce is very cheap and also very save energy, especially if we calculate the energy and transportation costs. Organic food is more environmentally friendly, but check also the origin. If imported from other regions, possibly resulting carbon emissions would outweigh the benefits.

• Recycling Aluminum, Plastic, and Paper
It would be better if you can use it repeatedly. energy to make aluminum cans equal one with energy to power a TV for 3 hours.

• Buy in Package Large
It would be much cheaper, it also saves resources for packaging. If too much, take a friend or your brother to share the moment to buy.

• Turn off your oven Few Minutes Before Time
If the remains are left closed, then the heat is not lost.

• Avoid Fast Food!
Fast food is the largest waste producer in the world. In addition, consumption of fast food is also bad for your health.

• Carry Bags Can Be Used Birthdays
Bring your own shopping bags, that way you reduce the amount of plastic bags / crackle required. In recent years several large shopping centers in Indonesia have started to educate their customers to use a system like this. So welcome their good faith to save the environment.

• Use Can Be Washed Glass
If you are familiar with the modern way that always serves drinks for guests with bottled water or coffee. Switch to our old ways. By using glass, ceramic, or plastic food grade we can wash and reuse.

• Shop In The Environment Around You
Because it will really save you the cost of transportation and fuel. And indirectly reduce the amount of air pollution.

• Tree Planting There Any Chance
Whether on the environment or by participating in tree planting programs. Can by donating seeds, funds, etc.. Depending on the opportunity and ability of each of you.


• Lower the temperature of your air conditioner
Avoid the use of maximum temperature. Use air conditioning in the levels until we feel comfortable enough alone. And prevent leakage of your air-conditioned room. Do not leave any gap that opens when you are using your air conditioner because it will make the AC work harder to cool your room. Ultimately this will save on your electric bill.

• Use a timer to Avoid Deadly AC Lost
Use a timer according to your habits. For example, your office hours are 8:00 pm until 17:00. Set your air conditioner timer in accordance with office hours. That way there are no more incidents forgot to turn off the AC until the next day.

• Use of Solar Water Heaters
Although more expensive, in the long run this will save on your electric bill. (Even now existing street lights with solar power).

• Turn off lights not in use, and Do not Leave the Water Trickle
In addition to saving energy and clean water, this will save a lot of your bills.

• Use Energy Saving Lamp
Although more expensive - average they are stronger and more efficient 8 times to 80% of normal incandescent lamps.

• Maximize Lighting From Nature
Use bright colors on walls, use glass tile diplafon, maximize light through a window.

• Avoid Position Stand-by On Your Electronics!
If all our household appliances off (not in standby position) then we will reduce CO2 emissions from energy savings extraordinary power. Use the lamp socket is the on-off it. Or unplug the power cord from the electrical source.

• If Refill Your Battery Is Full, Remove Immediately!
Mobile phones, electric shaver, electric toothbrush, camera, etc.. If you've filled immediately revoked.

• Reduce Time In Opening Your Refrigerator
For every minute you open the refrigerator door. It will take 3 minutes full of energy to return the refrigerator temperature to the desired temperature.

• Do not Buy Cut Flowers
If your area is not producing ornamental flowers, the flowers can be sure it was sent from somewhere else. This will generate "carbon footprint" is large.

• Cut Food In A Smaller Size
The size of the smaller pieces will use less energy to cook.

• Use Cold Water To Wash In Washing and Number of Lots
If you have a small family, it is not necessary every day to wash. Gather up your washing machine capacity are met, this will save water, reduce electricity consumption and also reduce pollution from your detergent.

• Use Environmentally Friendly Detergents and Cleaners
While the price may indeed be more expensive. But if you can, do it for the future of our children and grandchildren.

• Re-Use Your Home Furnishings
If you're bored with your furniture, you can do in a garage home, give it to others. Or take it to the craftsmen to be modified according to your wishes.

• Donates Toys For All It's No Wonder Why Your Child Age

• If Using Deodorant Spray or Other Products, Do not Use Aerosol
Options spray with glass bottles would be better. Aerosols are also a large contributor to the pollution of our air.


• Lunch in the Office
If we often eat outside the office with the pack and routine, it's better if you buy a box eating or drinking place strong and can be used repeatedly. Avoid plastic wrap or stereofoam media (Derived from petroleum and can hardly be deciphered).

• Use Less Paper
Use your internal email and office software to create an internal report. Print reports / presentations only if required to do the deal with outsiders.

• Turn off your office equipment
Turn off from the source. Do not be on stand by, turn off the UPS and transformers. If you need to unplug from the electrical source.

• Use E-Banking
Divert your credit card bill through collection by email, some banks in Indonesia have been able to do. Banks in Indonesia today generally have been providing e-banking facilities are very complete. We can do almost all payment transactions, transfer, purchase vouchers, etc. through internet banking, and even mobile banking. Maximizing the use of E-Banking will save much time and costs. You have saved and saved lots of trees and CO2 consumption for paper manufacturing process. You also save on fuel consumption is very much needed to go to the bank or the ATM. Start learning to use e-banking if you have not unusual to use it. Do not worry about security because of network security technology banking is now very sophisticated. There will be no problem in terms of security if you follow the good ways and suggested guidelines for the conduct online transactions safely.

• For Industrial, Begin To Use Renewable Energy Sources (Wind, Water, Solar, etc.)
Use power-efficient appliances and energy efficient, and create policies / regulations saving energy and resources in your company. Choose environmentally friendly technologies, and do good management to handle your industrial waste. Educate your employees to get used to a responsible use of energy and resources companies.

Tingkatkanlah their awareness about the love of the environment, not by simply making the rules and punishments. Contribute to the protection and environmental safety as part of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of your company. Go for tree planting programs, environmental cleanup, etc.. In the end it would also provide benefits for your company because your company's image would be lifted as a company that civilized and cultured.


• vacation in Domestic and Use of Land Transport!
Because the holiday will greatly increase your carbon footprint. Especially if it is done by using the plane. This can reduce a lot of carbon emissions. The airplane is a contributor to greenhouse gases is more significant than a car or other ground vehicles.

• Reduce Your Business Travel
Technology is now very possible to do a teleconference, also provides so many methods of communicating via the internet. Added to further cheapening the cost of the Internet, you will save a lot of your travel expenses, and certainly reduce your carbon footprint significantly. Exceptions can be made for transactions that require your signature or that truly require your presence.

• Use your Hotel Towels More Than One Day
You'll save one of the most important resources, namely water, and also reduce pollution due to detergents used. Furthermore, you can save energy from washing machines and dryers are used.


• Use the Car Pick Your Children To School
This will greatly reduce your fuel costs, drivers and vehicle payments. If no, maybe you can start, and make as your business.

• Small is Beautiful and Efficient
If you can not escape from car use, use city car or a car with fuel bio-fuel, electric, hybrid and even hydrogen, depending on the ability of each of you. No need to buy a large SUV 4 x 4 if you do not work dipertambangan or plantations. Use of hybrid vehicles if you can afford it.

• Replace your Fuel!
Use natural or fuel that can be updated (in Indonesia available bio-diesel and bio pertamax). Great if you can can use hydrogen fuel.

• Check Tire Pressure and Wind Your Service Schedule
From some of the survey is believed to maintain the condition of your car in optimum condition will save you 5% of your fuel usage.

• Rental Car When Needed
If the car is not your primary means then renting is a good choice. Including if you just need a big vehicle (Family Car or SUV) for a few occasions only. Savings of fuel daily installments or you will be deeply felt.

• Turn off the Machines When Waiting at Your Kids School Or When Happened Congestion Total
It is very common. Heat time wait can be reduced by using a glass barrier film is good or sunlight are sold in car accessory shops. Or park your car a shady place.

• Share it! Find Coworkers
Or friends who work area in line with the objectives of your work. You can share with their travel expenses.

• Learn How to Drive Good!
Change gear earlier can reduce fuel consumption up to 15%. If approaching traffic jams or stop lights slowly rather than with sudden braking. Avoid driving with harshly. Move the gear when it reaches 2500-3000 rpm. And mengemudilah at 1500-3000 rpm limit, some surveys to get a satisfactory result in fuel frugality in the range.


• Go Rechargeable!
Use equipment with rechargeable batteries. If you must use a one-time waste use lithium-ion (Li-Ion) and nickel metal hydride (NiMH) are cost effective and also effective.

• Prioritizing Save Energy When Buying Electronic Equipment
For example choose LCD TV than CRT (conventional tube TV). Look for AC or refrigerator with the lowest power consumption, etc.. Currently not too difficult to find energy-saving electronic products because manufacturers rollicking start focusing its marketing strategies to such products. See it from how often you see the ads air conditioning energy saving in print or electronic.

• Use electronic tools Longer
Do not easily change an electronic device that has the same function! If carried out, donate your old stuff.


• Cleaner, Greener, meaner
Although still more expensive, environmentally friendly cleaning products already present in the supermarket. Buy if you can afford. Actually, vinegar and baking soda can be used for cleaning almost any item. Mix vinegar with warm water (50:50), cukaair solution can be used as a multipurpose cleaner .. Baking soda can be used to clean the odor on the carpet ..

• Make sure the House You Have Good Air Circulation
This is very important for energy and toxins around us fast net. Especially when cleaning.

• For Freshness Room
Place plants that can live indoors, will greatly assist the freshness of your environment.

• For Toxic Goods Handling
Immediately contact the department or environmental cleanliness in your environment.


16 Practical Ways To Develop Yourself

Many people who want to grow, but many of them are confused how your or where to start. Here are 16 practical ways to help you develop the ability themselves.

1. Read a book every day
There is no easier way of adding knowledge to develop themselves but read the book. Read a book each day will open your insight and knowledge about the sciences of self-development which is the current trend.

2. Learn a new language
How many languages do you master today? three? four? or five languages? The more languages you master, then the higher the value of your sales, and of course your brain will be more bermafaat.

3. Find a new hobby
Never underestimate the hobby, if you feel hobby is an activity a waste of time, then you should think again. In addition to relaxing which ultimately impact on the 'freshness' minds, a hobby can also generate profits, whether material or not.

Find a new hobby, if you like sports and futsal enthusiasts, the study also other sports like swimming for example.

4. Take courses
Following the course is another way to develop your skills.

5. Cipatakan room 'creative'
The rooms are creative will stimulate our brains to create something creative as well. Make your work space 'different', not just a dull box of a room that seems to drive you to go home.

6. Improve your skills
To what extent your Public Speaking skills? or how many interview techniques that you mastered? Improve the skills you have until you find an expert in this capacity. Never stop to continue to develop your skills.

7. Wake up earlier
If you get up early, that means time to do productive things add too.

8. Have a regular time Sports
The ability of any well will not be maximized if the condition of your body is unhealthy. Make regular time to exercise, do not let your ability to shut disease that often went to your body.

9. Write
Writing is one activity that can hone your brain in full. Journals, books or blogs can be an alternative to start writing your first.

10. Exit routines
One of the things that make creativity jams are routine. Get out of your routine. A simple example, you try going to the office with a different route than usual.

11. Ask for feedback
Feedback or feedback is important to measure the extent to which results you can. Ask for feedback from colleagues or family and use it as reference to develop the skills yourself.

12. Learning from others
"Even a fool can be right-even", thus roughly the right term to describe this point. Each person is unique and every person is a teacher for us. Do not feel that you feel smarter in every way, stay humble and willing to open yourself to others.

13. Get out of bad habits
Often late in the office? or often a promise? It is a few examples of bad habits. Immediately leave your bad habits. Bad habits can cause the slightest obstacle in developing your skills.

14. Start doing business
Doing business is a very challenging thing. Many experiences will you get from doing business. So do not hesitate, though small, learn to do business.

15. Determine the break
Humans have limits, even machines need a break-even. Manage your time off, and Stay on it.

16. Obey commitment
As good as any plan that you created, as well as any tools and facilities you have, without a commitment to the plan and your impossible dream to come true. Keep always committed and consistent in your dreams and goals.

8 Steps To Program Your Mind

tu workings of our minds just like a computer that is very complicated. Mindset and attitude we are like a program that is installed on the computer. There are programs that you install sendri. There yand programs installed by friends, family, friends, teachers or the environment. Just like computers, our minds can also possessed the mind virus. The meaning of virus is thought pkiran programs that hurt us.
computer program can be activated with the appropriate command. Similarly, a program of mind. The program is stored mind in the subconscious mind and waiting for the right command to become active. Program your mind will be active when a specific sequence of thoughts, words or events arise or we are experiencing.
There are several steps that have to do in programming minds agan:

1. Measure goal agan
before the program agan agan mind, first you have to do is set a goal (goal to be achieved), then give a time limit in achieving that goal. Review the objectives agan, whether it is possible to achieve that goal by the deadline that you specify. For example you want to lose your weight of 100 kg within one week. It is impossible and too excessive. Make that goal might be reached within a week, for example, 10 kg. Once again use your best consideration.

2. Relaxed and casual
loosen all the nerves, relaxing read. Listen to magic alpha or theta wave.

3. Make it as if your goals have been achieved
agan when programming your mind, visualize the incident was happening, although in reality yet, enjoy and feel the end result that you want to achieve, pretend - puralah subconscious mind does not know it, that he knew just make it happen in your experience. The subconscious mind can not distinguish between imagination and reality. Perhaps the phrase, man is what he thinks, it seems appropriate in this case.

4. Use third person
when imagining the end result that you want to achieve, imagine yourself as if - if the movie screen. Do not see yourself from your mind's eye, it will involve a memory rather than imagination. Imagination is the key in programming the mind. It is highly recommended in memprogam mind using the word "you" instead of the word "I". It is highly plausible because the human mind including the social aspect. When you say "I'm happy" may consciously or unconsciously you reject it, but if you've got to say "you're happy" your mind to accept it because it seems - though the word - the word derives from a source outside of you, an observation of another person .

6. Repetition
repetition is very important in programming the mind. Repetition of ideas as often as possible to speed up the goal.

7. Create an idea as simple as possible
do not program the mind too much. Fokuskanlah on one idea. Use simple language and easily understood.

8. Confident and self-confident
sure and confident play a very large in information processing performed by the mind. Confident and will stimulate neural imajinas to work more optimally.

16 Health Benefits For Ants Nest

Ants Nest has been empirically proven to healing a variety of mild and severe disease, like cancer and tumors, gout, coronary heart disease, hemorrhoids, tuberculosis, migraine, arthritis and leukemia. Regarding the mechanism of the active compound content of ant nests in treating these diseases is still necessary to conduct further research. Some diseases can be cured and the possibility of active compounds that contribute to conquer the disease is explained as follows.

The types of cancer and tumors, both benign or malignant, which can be cured with Ants Nest is a brain cancer, nasal cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, uterine cancer, skin cancer, prostate cancer, and cancer blood (leukemia), except the throat and oral cavity cancer.

Ants Nest ability empirically for the treatment of various types of cancer / tumor is allegedly related to the content of flavonoids. There are several mechanisms of flavonoid in combating tumors / cancer, for example inactivation of carcinogens, antiproliferasi, inhibition of cell cycle, induction of apoptosis and differentiation, angiogenesis inhibition, and reversal of multi-drug resistance or a combination of these mechanisms.

Until now the mechanism is unclear, but the ability of ant nests for the treatment of various diseases / disorders of heart had something to do with multi-mineral content of ant nests, particularly calcium and potassium.

Treatment of stroke is strongly associated with the possibility of multi-mineral content contained in ant nests.

4. Hemorrhoid (hemorrhoids)
Ants Nest ability to hemorrhoid treatment (hemorrhoids) associated with the content of flavonoids and taninnya high. Both groups of this compound in some studies it has been proven to treat hemorrhoids.

5. Lumps IN BREAST
The meaning of lumps in the breast is not a tumor swelling (non-neoplasm). Allegedly healing mechanism similar to the cases of tumors and cancer, by relying on the ability of flavonoid contained in the ant nest.

Mechanism of treatment of renal dysfunction and prostate probably something to do with the content of antioxidants (flavonoids and tocopherol) and multi-minerals that exist in ant nests.

7. Menstruation and vaginal discharge
The process of treatment for vaginal discharge and menstruation launch something to do with the content of flavonoids, tannins, and multi-minerals, especially calcium and zinc.

8. Blood circulation
High antioxidant content (tocopherol and flavonoids) and multi-minerals contained in the nest has an important role in blood circulation.

9. Migraine (headaches)
For the treatment of migraine associated with flavonoid function and multi-minerals in ant nests, particularly calcium, sodium, and magnesium.

Treatment of tuberculosis associated with the role of flavonoids contained in the ant nest that serves as an antiviral.

11. Rheumatic (arthritic)
This is related to the ability of flavonoids as inhibitors of xanthine oxidase and antioxidant enzymes as well as tocopherol as an antioxidant and multi-minerals contained in the ant nest.

12. ALLERGIC NASAL DISORDERS, nosebleeds, sneezing
The compounds responsible for this disorder are antioxidants (tocopherol and flavonoids) and tannins.

13. Heartburn
As with tuberculosis, which plays a role in ulcer treatment are flavonoids contained in the ant nest as an antibacterial.

Additional Benefits Ants Nest
In addition to empirically proven to cure various diseases as mentioned above, Ants Nest can also be used to launch and increase breast milk, restore sexual desire, and restore and maintain stamina.

14. ASI launched AND IMPROVING
Multi-mineral content of plants from ant nests suspected to have an important role in launching and increase milk production, accelerate the recovery process of the health of mothers after childbirth, and restore femininity (sari Rapet).

High antioxidant content (tocopherol and flavonoids) and multi-mineral plant-ant nests suspected to have an important role in increasing sexual arousal.

16. Stamina RESTORE BODY
High antioxidant content (tocopherol and flavonoids) and multi-mineral plant Dais Ants Nest allegedly having an important role in restoring freshness and stamina.


10 Professional with the Most High Stress Level

Each individual must have wanted a profession that has a low stress level, but with relatively high incomes. Not infrequently, there are professionals who actually do not realize that dilakoni profession today actually provoke large stress levels.
Page businessinsider as quoted VIVAnews.com, found 10 jobs that have the highest stress level in the world, especially in the United States.
The survey was obtained from studies made CareerCast.com stress level of 200 types of work based on the work environment, income, future prospects, deadlines, level of competition, and travel.

1. Commercial Aircraft Pilot
Stress levels: 59.53
Working hours per day: 9 hours
Revenue per year: U.S. $ 106,153 (Rp955, 37 million)
Pilots of commercial aircraft is responsible for the safety of hundreds of passengers when the plane flew above the altitude of a thousand miles with a high speed.
Pilots sometimes have to fly the plane in the middle of bad weather conditions and work long hours.
The article was released in Careercast is indeed referring to the type of work performed in the United States. However, many of these jobs also done by some communities in Indonesia, maybe even start and will grow here
Here are 10 jobs with the highest stress level:

2. Public Relation Officer
Stress levels: 47.6
Office hours: 9 hours
Revenue per year: U.S. $ 90,160 (Rp811, 44 million)
An official Public Relations (PR), often have to give a presentation and explanation in public. Field work has a very strict level of competition and corporate leaders often ask PR to create and memperhatahankan good corporate image.

3. Company Senior Executive
Stress levels: 47.41
Working hours per day: 11 hours
revenue per year: U.S. $ 161,141 (Rp1, 450 billion)
Corporate Executive has many different jobs. They are expected to have knowledge in almost all departments of a company. so that the employees at this level are expected to make decisions that impact on all employees. This company officials also have very long working hours.

4. Photo Journalist
Stress level: 47.09
Working hours per day: varies
Revenue: U.S. $ 40,209 (Rp361, 88 million).
Photojournalist should always be on site when a major incident occurs. Is it war, shootings, natural disasters, a photojournalist constantly present in those locations. In dangerous conditions, they present to capture the moment and proclaim to the world.

5. News Announcer
Stress levels: 43.56
Working hours per day: 8 hours
Revenue per year: U.S. $ 50,456 (Rp454, 104 million)
Newscaster compete with other television stations competing to be the first to preach the information to the public. Often, reporters working from the studio but more reporters who jumped into the field where the incident occurred.
Conditions straight news reporting from the field often lead news anchor position in a potentially dangerous situation.

6. Account Executive Ad Company
Stress levels: 41.05
Working hours per day: 9.5 hours
Revenue per year: U.S. $ 62,105 (Rp558, 945 million)
An account executive is required to work more creative, attention to detail, able to motivate yourself. All these demands must be run in the middle of work to manage large corporate clients as well as working diawah deadline pressure.
Field where the work of account executives also includes having a very high level of competition. Moreover, if iklam is the main income for the company.

7. Architect
Stress levels: 39.93
Hours worked per har: more than 8 hours
Pendapatann per year: U.S. $ 73,193 (Rp658, 73 million)
Architects worked with the pressure of tight deadlines both in terms of planning, design, construction, commercial and residential space. Safety of a building in the future also become part of the work of the architects who are required to make planning more carefully.

8. Stock Broker
Stress levels: 39.70
hours worked per day: 8 hours
Revenue per year: U.S. $ 67,470 (Rp607, 23 million)
Stockbroker responsible for fund investors who saved in the stock and bond investment products. With the stock market conditions are constantly changing, the responsibility of brokers to maintain investment Agara investors remain are things that can create stress.

9. Emergency Medical Technician
Stress levels: 39.68
hours worked per day: varies
revenue per year: U.S. $ 30.168 (Rp271, 512 million)
Emergency medical technician or may be the same with Ambulance officers are the first in every event that requires emergency medical treatment. In addition they act as a determinant of life for patients from the scene to the hospital.
Ambulance officers often work in the timeframe yng work long and often exposed to night work quota.

10. Agents property
Stress level: 38.57
Working hours per day: 9.5 hours
Revenue per year: U.S. $ 40.357 (Rp363, 213 million)
Agents selling property have erratic working hours, sometimes working at night and weekends. The working environment in real estate also has a high level of competition, and at a time when housing conditions were not good, selling a house is not an easy thing to do.

Source: VIVAnews

5 Strategies Success And Wealth

The attitude is a determining factor for success in any case you are doing. Einstein said that attitude is 99% determinant of success or failure of a person.

You should have a positive attitude in any field that you do, if you want to obtain success.

Whether you're aware, going melelapkan eyes, work - whatever you do, you should inculcate a positive attitude. If a case is not to be like you expect, you should continue to be positive. If you get through, do not feel bored, otherwise you will have a positive minded and say to yourself "ok, today I missed up, now I need to do your best to this day."

I do not believe that those who succeed in today can reach that stage without having a good attitude and positive.

Actually easier to negative-minded, and to your knowledge, for a positive minded requires little effort. Attach a note on your table, in the car, bathroom mirror that says "ATTITUDE". If you look at that note, pause and think about things that have come into force on that day, and if there are times when you feel positive minded, Think originally and continue the work you do.

If you stay positive, all cases that you do will become easier. If there are cases that do not like you do, do not let it so at the end, even used to do these things and Think "I want to do this work until completion and then I can make the job that I like!". Try this technique and you will definitely feel the difference.

2. Take action
This is a big issue to most people, they have a good business idea, they told friends about the business about to begin, my friends to be positive and supportive. Then they tell you to several other people became silent sehinggalah granted.

If you have a good idea not a problem, but you need to create action. Then when you've started to do something, you need to take some more steps so sehinggalah achieve success.

If you have any opportunities or ideas during this time, maybe something that had long you Think, stop talking and thinking about it - JUST DO IT.

I have many friends who came to meet and talk about business ideas as if they are telling me to do business. I can help them, give opinions, but the tragedy is 90% than they never make the action. If you do not create an action, you lie to your right for a single success.

3. Rates How your programmed
Since the school bench again we always thought about as he always told by adults that "learning is good so get a good job." I hope you do one think, I think if we are in school we need to learn what you need and then open your own business!

80% of millionaires in this day achieve their dream by starting his own business. Maybe you already know, if you really want financial freedom, their future is to open their own business.

Surely your own business should bear the risk, and you can reduce this risk by starting a side, and use the techniques that I show with a small capital, but the rewards are numerous and profitable.

4. Write What You Think
I do not care about anything as good memory you have, but why it needs to left alone. Why should bear the risk if you forgot something important? Write the case that there is difikiran so that you help relieve your brain full of information. If you write you do not need to fear if oblivious to the time required.

If you have ideas - write.
If you have any problems - write.

If you write a problem, you will find that you can think more clearly, and one time later the case is resolved. This technique seems easy, but if you start using it, you will definitely see the difference later.

5. Set a goal and a Dream
If you do not have goals, you will not be for nothing. You must have matlamat / destination, you need to know where your destination, try to get there and will always remember your dreams. I met many people who might not understand about this concept that says "I dream is to become a millionaire within 5 years" but if you ask how to achieve it, they just stay quiet.

You must have a purpose / matlamat long term, to date 5 years to come, then you should try to achieve it, then set short-term matlamat easier to achieve for example matlamat year, month and week.

I hope the 5 strategies above can help you to achieve success more easily and quickly.

Source: Global Enterprise Fleet